This module a work in progress and is not guranteed to be stable. Please do not use it at the moment.
Puppet module to install and configure the software components relevant to the Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae project.
This role requires a vagrant or labs-vagrant instance.
- Add a new instance at by clicking add instance.
Select the version with 2 CPUs and assign a name that begins with drmf.
Wait until the instance status is "ACTIVE" and puppet status is "OK". Now, click on configure and enable the puppet roles
. -
Log into the instance and force a puppet and labs vagrant run via
sudo puppet agent -tv
This might take some time. In the meantime you can perform the optional step.
- (Optional) Add a web-proxy by visiting the Manage proxies page
- Log out and login again for convinience create a shortcut to the vagrant folder
sudo ln -s /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/ /vagrant
cd /vagrant
vagrant up
vagrant provision
Now, you are ready to enable the DRMF role. Follow the instructions below.
In case of problems visit
- Clone (or copy) this repository into your puppet modules/drmf directory:
git clone modules/drmf
- Or you could also use a git submodule:
git submodule add modules/drmf
git commit -m 'Adding modules/drmf as a git submodule.'
git submodule init && git submodule update
- Create a link to to the puppet role:
ln -s /vagrant/puppet/modules/drmf/manifests/roles/drmf.pp /vagrant/puppet/modules/role/manifests/drmf.pp
ln -s /vagrant/puppet/modules/drmf/manifests/roles/drmf.yaml /vagrant/puppet/modules/role/settings/drmf.yaml
- Run the MediaWiki
in the/vagrant
directory. Enable the newly created drmf role via
vagrant enable-role drmf && vagrant provision
NOTE: If you get an error such as
The provider 'lxc' could not be found, but was requested to
back the machine 'default'. Please use a provider that exists.
Try logging out and logging back in. There seems to be an issue with aliases and the vagrant command.
(PS: The last step with the symbolic link is temporary workaround.)
git clone /vagrant/srv/mathosphere --recursive
sudo chown mwvagrant mathosphere -R
cd /vagrant
vagrant ssh
sudo apt-get install maven tomcat7 tomcat7-admin openjdk-8-jdk -y
cd /vagrant/srv/mathosphere/
sudo update-alternatives --config java
export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx256m
mvn clean install -DskipTests
copy the following files:
Replace all <%= @XXX %> with appropriate values
See also MediaWiki-Vagrant in Labs.