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xbrave edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 10 revisions

The ko-script Roadmap 2021

At now(2021 February) our project has many problems to solve eagerly, such as code style lint problems and lack of testing. We will focus on these problems in the first quarter.

It's has been about 4 months since webpack release version 5 in 2020.10.10, and it's time we should look into the future.

In the second quarter, The main jobs of this repos is upgrade webpack to version 5 combine with it's ecosystem such as loaders and plugins.Also we should focus on migrate configs/features from dtstack and integer with it's requirements in the real word.

The third quarter is a quarter that making preparations for open source offically. Docs and examples will be supplied, and more testings will be added.Also we will optimize CI/CD process in this quarter.

The last quarter we will focus on fix bugs and enhance functions that from community.


  • Make webpack use as eazy as possible
  • Every feature's config must be configurable and flexable


The below lists will help you understand what we will do in the future.

Q1:Rules & Research

  • Support eslint and prettier
  • Add github actions
  • Research if git hooks tools can be integrated in ko-script and it's cost
  • Research webpack 5 and it's new features, traps and advantages

Q2:Integrate & Update

  • Upgrade webpack to version 5 combine with it's ecosystem
  • Migrate ko-babel-app into ko-script(or not?)
  • Update ko-script's ecosystem,include ko scaffolds and so on
  • Integrated with dtstack project, fixed bugs
  • Use esbuild to speed up build process(choosable)
  • Unit test & sonar
  • Support more funny features

Q3: Simpler & Stronger

  • React & Vue framework's specific plugins & loaders should be installed after choose
  • Remove some unnecessary features
  • enhence performance: install, dev and build processes
  • More testing
  • Supply docs & examples


  • fixed bugs
  • enhencement

Project Management

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