This is an open-source project to help beginner player's imrpove their understanding of chess principles and develop basic chess vision.
It leverages an LLM (openai/gpt-4o
) to analyze the position and provide feedback to the user and using another, separate system prompt to play against the user.
- Multi-LLM: this project utilizes two LLMs, one as a coach and the other as an opponent
- Coach:
because it's a pretty good all-around model - Opponent:
because it's a pretty good all-around model and plays pretty well when provided with the list of legal moves- *Note: previously the opponent was using
because there's some anecdotal evidence that it's better at playing chess than other models - if it doesn't provide a valid move after 4 attempts we choose a random valid move for the Opponent; I've also testedopenai/gpt-4o-mini
, but it seems to play the almost the same moves every game and also makes reckless choices with it's queen early on
- *Note: previously the opponent was using
- Coach:
- Advice: the player can right click on a piece with valid moves to ask the Coach what it thinks about moving that piece
- Analysis: the Coach will provide an ongoing analysis after each player and Opponent move
- Undo: the player can undo and redo moves, checking the Coach's analysis and viewing the possible Opponent responses before finally committing to a move and allowing the Opponent to play
- View Opponent Moves: before committing to a move, the player can click on Opponent pieces to see their possible moves, allowing them to consider the Opponent's possible responses before committing to a move - they can also right click on a piece to ask the Coach about the relative strength of that opponent move
- Real-time Evaluation: the Stockfish evaluation of the position is displayed in real-time as you play, allowing you to see the impact that each move and opponent response has on your chances of winning
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Clone or download the repo:
git clone
Change into the project directory:
cd chess-tutor
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Copy the .example.env
file to .env
and set your OpenAI API key as the API_KEY
environment variable:
cp .example.env .env
Note: You can also set the BASE_URL
environment variable if you want to use some other OpenAI-compatible endpoint. The tutor and opponent are currently optimized for the openai/gpt-4o
model so you may need to tweak the prompts in src/lib/prompts.ts
if you change the models used for the routes in the /src/app/api/bot
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser interact with the chess tutor.
Note: There is currently a build warning error TP1001 new Worker("/engine/stockfish.wasm.js") is not statically analyse-able
. Other folks have run into the same issue with Next.js and Stockfish, but things still seem to run locally, so it's not a priority right now.
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- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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