This is a user authentication template created using Quasar, vue3 and nodejs. It features user registration, login, logout routes alongside functions and additional routes to handle JWT token authorization. Requires all dependencies as well as a filled out .env file.
# or prod above, I use it to differentiate environments for annoying CORs issues on local dev
PORT = 3000
# whatever you want
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = yoursecrethere
REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET = yoursecrethere
DB_HOST = "yourHostHere"
DB_NAME = "yourDbNameHere"
DB_USER = "yourSqlUser"
DB_PASSWORD = "yourSqlPw"
MAILER_USER = "yourmaileruser"
MAILER_PASSWORD = "yourmailerpw"
RESET_TOKEN_SECRET = yourresetsecret
OWNER_EMAIL = "owner email"
# or
npm install
quasar dev
yarn lint
# or
npm run lint
yarn format
# or
npm run format
quasar build