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Simple Config

Daemon Forge edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 13 revisions

Simple Config

This is a work in progress

This is what I am calling the simple config it is meant to help new server owners use my mod without having to be overwhelmed with all the complex settings, or a nice way for those to get started with the basics of the config.


Current Default: "ConfigVersion": "7" This setting should not be changed this is what I use to help ensure the mod auto-updates the config values every time I update


Current Default: "UseSimple": 1, This is how you tell the mod to either use the simple config or use the advanced configs

  • 1 It will use the simple config file to load
  • 0 It will use the Advanced configs (if the advanced configs are not created yet it will create them as default values)
  • 2 This will convert your simple configs into advanced configs and also change the UseSimple to 0 so don't change this back to 2 unless you want to overwrite you advanced configs with the values in the default config


Current Default" "KillFeed": 1, This is a kill feed that notifies all players using the default notification system and provides you with a killfeed with the killer's affinity stated, also allows keeps track of if the killer was a guard

  • 1 Enableds the Killfeed
  • 0 Disables the Killfeed


Current Default" "SucideFeed": 1, This is a suicide feed notifying all players using the default notification system when a player kills them selfs

  • 1 Enableds the SucideFeed
  • 0 Disables the SucideFeed


Current Default" "BanditCanRemoveMask": 0, This setting allows or prevents Bandits from removing their masks, this allows ensuring that a mask from BanditMasks setting is auto attached to the player when their affinity changes or when they fresh spawn.

  • Make sure to have a list of masks in the BanditMasks
  • 1 Allows Bandits to remove their masks
  • 0 Prevent Bandits from removing their masks


Current Default" "BanditCanRemoveArmBand": 1, This setting allows or prevents Bandits from removing their Armbands, this allows ensuring that an Armband from BanditArmBands setting is auto attached to the player when their affinity changes or when they fresh spawn.

  • Make sure to have a list of masks in the BanditArmBands
  • 1 Allows Bandits to remove their ArmBands
  • 0 Prevent Bandits from removing their ArmBands


Current Default Value:

"BanditMasks": [

This setting is a list of all the valid masks for bandits, these masks will also auto blocked from any other affinity from equipping them.


Current Default Value: "BanditMasks": [] This setting is a list of all the valid armbands for bandits, these masks will also auto blocked from any other affinity from equipping them.


Current Default" "HeroCanRemoveMask": 1, This setting allows or prevents Heroes from removing their masks, this allows ensuring that a mask from HeroMasks setting is auto attached to the player when their affinity changes or when they fresh spawn.

  • Make sure to have a list of masks in the HeroMasks
  • 1 Allows Heroes to remove their masks
  • 0 Prevent Heroes from removing their masks


Current Default" "HeroCanRemoveArmBand": 1, This setting allows or prevents Heroes from removing their Armbands, this allows ensuring that an Armband from HeroArmBands setting is auto attached to the player when their affinity changes or when they fresh spawn.

  • Make sure to have a list of masks in the HeroArmBands
  • 1 Allows Heroes to remove their ArmBands
  • 0 Prevent Heroes from removing their ArmBands


Current Default Value: "HeroMasks": [] This setting is a list of all the valid masks for heroes these armbands will also auto blocked from any other affinity from equipping them.


This setting is a list of all the valid armbands for heroes these armbands will also auto blocked from any other affinity from equipping them.


This is a list of items that only Heroes will be able to equip or put in their hands


This is a list of items that only Bandits will be able to equip or put in their hands


This requires expansion,


Current Default Value

"Levels": [
            "Name": "Hero Lv5",
            "Humanity": 50001
            "Name": "Hero Lv4",
            "Humanity": 20001
            "Name": "Hero Lv3",
            "Humanity": 12001
            "Name": "Hero Lv2",
            "Humanity": 4001
            "Name": "Hero Lv1",
            "Humanity": 1001
            "Name": "Bambi",
            "Humanity": 0
            "Name": "Bandit Lv1",
            "Humanity": -1001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv2",
            "Humanity": -4001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv3",
            "Humanity": -12001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv4",
            "Humanity": -20001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv5",
            "Humanity": -50001

These are the levels, you can change the names or the Humanity required to reach those levels, but in the simple config you must have an equal number of Hero and Bandit levels and no more of 5 for each, and must have 1 Bambi Level set at 0 if you want more customization on the levels then you must use the advanced configs.


Default Value

    "Actions": [
            "Name": "ZombieKill",
            "Humanity": 5
            "Name": "heroSucide",
            "Humanity": -100
            "Name": "banditSucide",
            "Humanity": 100
            "Name": "heroVshero",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "heroVsbambi",
            "Humanity": -300
            "Name": "heroVsbandit",
            "Humanity": 250
            "Name": "banditVshero",
            "Humanity": -250
            "Name": "banditVsbambi",
            "Humanity": -125
            "Name": "banditVsbandit",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "bambiVshero",
            "Humanity": -250
            "Name": "bambiVsbambi",
            "Humanity": -100
            "Name": "bambiVsbandit",
            "Humanity": 300
            "Name": "CombinationLockRaid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "FencePartRaid",
            "Humanity": -50
            "Name": "WatchtowerPartRaid",
            "Humanity": -30
            "Name": "MedicBandagePlayer",
            "Humanity": 50
            "Name": "MedicGiveBlood",
            "Humanity": 25
            "Name": "MedicGiveSaline",
            "Humanity": 25
            "Name": "MedicGiveCPR",
            "Humanity": 75
            "Name": "MedicFeedTetracycline",
            "Humanity": 15
            "Name": "MedicFeedPainkiller",
            "Humanity": 15
            "Name": "MedicFeedCharcoal",
            "Humanity": 15
            "Name": "MedicFeedVitamin",
            "Humanity": 10

These are the list of actions and how much humanity it will give or remove

The ones for Expansion are

            "Name": "ExpansionWall6x3Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionRamp6x1_5x6Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionRamp3x1_5x6Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionStairS1_5x3x3Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionFloor_6x6Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionFloor_3x3Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionFloor_3x6Raid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionSafeMiniRaid",
            "Humanity": -100
            "Name": "ExpansionSafeMediumRaid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "ExpansionSafeLargeRaid",
            "Humanity": -200

Simple Zones

Default Values

    "Zones": [
            "Name": "Default Zone",
            "X": 11250,
            "Z": 4300,
            "Radius": 60,
            "MinHumanity": -1000,
            "MaxHumanity": 1000,
            "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome to the Default Zone",
            "WarningMessage": "!!Warning!! you are about to enter Default Zone if you continue you will be shot!",
            "OverrideSafeZone": 0,
            "GodModPlayers": 0,
            "PreventWeaponRaise": 0,
            "PreventActions": 0,
            "PreventTrade": 0,
            "KillAggressors": 1,
            "RespawnTimer": 600,
            "GuardDifficulty": 5,
            "Guards": [
                    "X": 11250,
                    "Y": 290.2,
                    "Z": 4300,
                    "Orientation": 0,
                    "Skin": "SurvivorM_Hassan",
                    "WeaponInHands": "",
                    "WeaponInHandsAttachments": [
                    "GuardGear": [


Default Value: "Name": "Default Zone", This is the name of the zone, it will be the header on welcome and warning messages also used in the kill feed when a guard kills a player.


Default Value: "X": 11250, This is the X Coordinate for the Center of the Zone


Default Value: "Z": 4300, This is the Z Coordinate for the Center of the Zone


Default Value: "Radius": 60, This is the Radius of the zone how far from the center you have to be, in order to be considered in the zone


Default Value: "MinHumanity": -1000, This is the Minimum Humanity the player must have in order to be allowed in the zone (be a Valid Player)


Default Value: "MaxHumanity": 1000, This is the Maximum Humanity the player must have in order to be allowed in the zone (be a Valid Player)


Default Value: "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome to the Default Zone", This is the message provided to Valid players.


Default Value: "WarningMessage": "!!Warning!! you are about to enter Default Zone if you continue you will be shot!", This is the message provided to Non-Valid players.


Default Value: "OverrideSafeZone": 0, With this enabled it will ensure that Non-Valid players can still be shot by guards and take damage


Default Value: "GodModPlayers": 0, With this provide Valid Players with God Mod


Default Value: "PreventWeaponRaise": 0, With will prevent all players from being able to raise their weapons


Default Value: "PreventActions": 0, With will prevent all humanity affecting actions from counting on the player's stats (this is useful for server events)


Default Value: "PreventTrade": 0, If enabled and the Trader Add On Mod is installed, this will prevent players from using the trade interaction on traders


Default Value: "KillAggressors": 1, This enables the guards to kill players who act aggressive inside the zone


Default Value: "RespawnTimer": 600, This is the Respawn Timers for all guards, essentially how long it will take the guard will respawn after they have been killed, if the guard is killable


Default Value: "GuardDifficulty": 5, To simplify the simple config all guards in the zone will have the same settings if you wish to have different settings for each guard you must use the advanced configs

  • 5 Can't be killed, Can Shoot Throw Objects, and has 100% hit chance,
  • 4 Can't be killed, has a 92% Base Hit Chance, with a medium-high fire rate
  • 3 Can be killed, has a 90% Base Hit Chance high fire rate,
  • 2 Can be killed, has an 85% Base Hit Chance can be killed, medium fire rate
  • 1 Can be killed, has an 80% Base Hit Chance can be killed, low fire rate

Use the Accuracy Table as reference for Approximate Accuracy


Default Value:

"Guards": [ 
            "X": 11250,
            "Y": 290.2,
            "Z": 4300,
            "Orientation": 0,
            "Skin": "SurvivorM_Hassan",
            "WeaponInHands": "M4A1",
            "WeaponInHandsAttachments": [
            "GuardGear": [

Guards in the simple config must use one of the guns in the Simple Config Compatible Guns Table, If you really want your gun supported please just let me know in the discord under Feature Request and Ill add it for the next patch.

Full Default Config

    "ConfigVersion": "5",
    "UseSimple": 1,
    "KillFeed": 1,
    "SucideFeed": 0,
    "BanditCanRemoveMask": 0,
    "BanditCanRemoveArmBand": 1,
    "BanditMasks": [
    "BanditArmBands": [],
    "HeroCanRemoveMask": 1,
    "HeroCanRemoveArmBand": 1,
    "HeroMasks": [],
    "HeroArmBands": [],
    "HeroOnlyItems": [],
    "BanditOnlyItems": [],
    "Expansion_EnableIconOnPlayerTag": 1,
    "Levels": [
            "Name": "Hero Lv5",
            "Humanity": 50001
            "Name": "Hero Lv4",
            "Humanity": 20001
            "Name": "Hero Lv3",
            "Humanity": 12001
            "Name": "Hero Lv2",
            "Humanity": 4001
            "Name": "Hero Lv1",
            "Humanity": 1001
            "Name": "Bambi",
            "Humanity": 0
            "Name": "Bandit Lv1",
            "Humanity": -1001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv2",
            "Humanity": -4001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv3",
            "Humanity": -12001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv4",
            "Humanity": -20001
            "Name": "Bandit Lv5",
            "Humanity": -50001
    "Actions": [
            "Name": "ZombieKill",
            "Humanity": 5
            "Name": "heroSucide",
            "Humanity": -100
            "Name": "banditSucide",
            "Humanity": 100
            "Name": "heroVshero",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "heroVsbambi",
            "Humanity": -300
            "Name": "heroVsbandit",
            "Humanity": 250
            "Name": "banditVshero",
            "Humanity": -250
            "Name": "banditVsbambi",
            "Humanity": -125
            "Name": "banditVsbandit",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "bambiVshero",
            "Humanity": -250
            "Name": "bambiVsbambi",
            "Humanity": -100
            "Name": "bambiVsbandit",
            "Humanity": 300
            "Name": "CombinationLockRaid",
            "Humanity": -150
            "Name": "FencePartRaid",
            "Humanity": -50
            "Name": "WatchtowerPartRaid",
            "Humanity": -30
            "Name": "MedicBandagePlayer",
            "Humanity": 50
            "Name": "MedicGiveBlood",
            "Humanity": 25
            "Name": "MedicGiveSaline",
            "Humanity": 25
            "Name": "MedicGiveCPR",
            "Humanity": 75
            "Name": "MedicFeedTetracycline",
            "Humanity": 15
            "Name": "MedicFeedPainkiller",
            "Humanity": 15
            "Name": "MedicFeedCharcoal",
            "Humanity": 15
            "Name": "MedicFeedVitamin",
            "Humanity": 10
    "Zones": [
            "Name": "Default Zone",
            "X": 11250,
            "Z": 4300,
            "Radius": 60,
            "MinHumanity": -1000,
            "MaxHumanity": 1000,
            "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome to the Default Zone",
            "WarningMessage": "!!Warning!! you are about to enter Default Zone if you continue you will be shot!",
            "OverrideSafeZone": 0,
            "GodModPlayers": 0,
            "PreventWeaponRaise": 0,
            "PreventActions": 0,
            "PreventTrade": 0,
            "KillAggressors": 0,
            "RespawnTimer": 600,
            "GuardDifficulty": 5,
            "Guards": [
                    "X": 11250,
                    "Y": 290.2,
                    "Z": 4300,
                    "Orientation": 0,
                    "Skin": "SurvivorM_Hassan",
                    "WeaponInHands": "M4A1",
                    "WeaponInHandsAttachments": [
                    "GuardGear": [