This scraper runs on AWS Lambda and scrapes DPD's active calls list using the Socrata API. One call per incident number is saved to a PostgreSQL database, allowing us to store active call information that is otherwise purged from DPD's open data portal.
It also sends a CSV once per day (at 9 a.m.) with the past 25 hour of calls.
- Python 3.6 -
brew install python3
- Pipenv -
brew install pipenv
Install dependencies:
$ pipenv install --development
Copy the .env.example to .env and add AWS credentials (required for deployment) a
(required to test storage to PostgreSQL), Mailgun credentials (to test e-mail feature) and, optionally, setREPORT_RECIPIENTS
to a comma-separated list of everyone you'd like to receive daily reports.
Deployment to Lambda and management of scheduled tasks (scraping and daily report sending) are handled by zappa
. Deploy updates with:
$ pipenv run zappa update
See the complete Zappa docs for a full list of available commands to manage the app's configuration.
Environment variables can be updated using this function's Lambda configuration in the AWS console.
© 2018 The Dallas Morning News