- Install docker
- Install kind to generate local Kubernetes clusters
- Install kubectl to control local kubernetes resources
- Install helm to manage k8s packages (helm charts)
- Build project-related docker image:
make build
- Run project-related docker container based on built docker image:
make run
- Make sure the website is up and running:
firefox http://localhost:3000
- Run k8s local cluster and local docker registry using kind:
make run-full-k8s-env
- Build project-related docker image and push to local docker registry:
make push
- Deploy docker image to local k8s cluster:
make deploy
- Make sure the website is up and running:
firefox http://xmementoit-k8s-development.com
- make build - build project-related docker image
- make run - runs project-related docker container (
make build
must be performed first)- make sure the website is up and running at
- make sure the website is up and running at
- make build run - runs above 2 commands 'make build' and 'make run' in order
- make stop - stops project-related docker containers (without deleting them)
- make clean - removes project-related docker containers and docker images
- make create-kind-cluster - creates kind-based k8s claster for local development
- make run-local-docker-registry - runs docker container containing local docker registry (if it is not running already)
- make run-ingress-controller - install ingress nginx controller
- make run-full-k8s-env - generates ALL local resources related to k8s deployment:
- kind-based k8s cluster
- local docker registry
- Ingress nginx - ingress controllers
- make push - pushes project-related docker images into local docker registry
- make deploy - deploys project using k8s
- make status-deploy - show status of k8s deployment (pods, services, deployments)
- make clean - removes project-related docker containers and docker images (does not remove any k8s-based deployed resources)
- make delete - deletes project using k8s
- make dist-clean - removes ALL project-related resources:
- kind-based k8s cluster
- local docker registry
- all project-related docker containers and docker-images
This project has been prepared based on course: Kubernetes: Your First Project