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This is a ROS1 port of the ROS2 Local Planner plugin. They are mostly the same, however the source code may differ due to the lack of similar API/functions within ROS1. Of course, that being said, we should all prepare to move to ROS2, yet a significant proportion of existing robots still utilise the ROS1 ecosystem, and since there is a lack of good pure pursuit planners out there, this port could prove to be a viable local planner replacement.

The Parameters are the same, please refer to the Nav2 Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller for more details


In no way did I write the original algorithm/source code, this originally developed by Shrijit Singh and Steve Macenski while at Samsung Research as part of the Nav2 working group.


  1. ddynamic_reconfigure
  2. Move Base Flex

Deviations from Nav2 Package

computeVelocityCommands(geometry_msgs::Twist &cmd_vel)

In ROS2, the corresponding method is

computeVelocityCommands( const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped & pose, const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist & speed, nav2_core::GoalChecker * goal_checker).

Where the robot velocity(speed) is already supplied to the method, and the goal_checker already replacing the need for a isGoalReached() method.

In the ported version, we have to use the ROS1 isGoalReached() method to check for goals, and the robot velocity is obtained through the base_local_planner::OdometryHelperRos API.

setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& orig_global_plan)

ROS2 uses setPlan(const nav_msgs::msg::Path & path), so we have to convert the global plan to a nav_msgs::path message type for further processing.


The original transformGlobalPlan from the Nav2 package when ported directly faced issues with extrapolation into the future when looking up the transform between /odom and /map frame. Therefore, the transformGlobalPlan method from TEB Local Planner has been adapted for use here as it provides a more reliable and faster way of transforming the global plan into the base frame of the robot.

Added a parameter max_angular_vel to clamp the output angular velocity to a user-defined value.


A ROS1 port of the Nav2 Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller







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  • C++ 96.8%
  • CMake 3.2%