- Awesome ReasonML. A little out of date - this repo is an attempt to collate current state with the intention of PR-ing useful stuff back to the ARL repo at some point...
Google isn't indexing the above two at all well as things stand, dead links or GitHub repo come up first.
BuckleScript Manual Fairly exhaustive guide to BuckleScript. Examples can be lacking slightly. Very technically-oriented.
BuckleScript Bundled JS API Reference Basic core bindings to JS/DOM/Node. Link hidden in the BuckleScript docs.
BuckleScript Build config file (bsconfig.json) schema Config schema, link to which is hidden in the BuckleScript docs.
- Intro to ReasonML Compilation - possibly going out of date slightly atm?
- Beginners guide to OCaml beginners' guides. Basically, "read Real World OCaml" is the main takeaway.
- Learn OCaml in Y Minutes
- OCaml for the Skeptical. Old resources, but still a good path to learning the language.
- A Concise Introduction to Objective Caml. [Archived] link from previous, nice walkthrough.
- Unreliable Guide to OCaml Modules
- OCaml Coding Considerations. Very short list, from the Xen project.
- Comparing Objective Caml and Standard ML.
- OsciBlog Markdown Parser. Actual top-down parser (vs most MD parsers) written in OCaml. Extremely compact code, extremely fast.
OCaml-specific. Use reason-tools in Chrome/Firefox to convert OCaml code to Reason syntax in-browser.
- Real World OCaml Canonical guide. Uses Jane Street's Core as a stdlib replacement. Real World OCaml 2 (Beta) is available and under active development.
Getting started with BuckleScript and Buckle Pixi - Using PixiJS with BuckleScript. Former gives a brief rundown on installing and using BS, latter looks at binding to PixiJS and generating clean JS output.
How to build #disruptive OCaml #microservices with BuckleScript and Typesafe JavaScript Chaining with OCaml and BuckleScript. Again, looks at binding to existing JS libs. The former binds to the tiny Micro library. The latter looks at binding to a more complex lib - in this case Express (with nice rundown of leveraging
). -
A Simple HTTP Form Post with React and ReasonML, Simple JSON parsing with Reason and React and ReasonML, React and Routing
Scalable and Serverless Media Processing Using Bucklescript, OCaml and AWS Lambda API Gateway