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Anti-Cookies Script Generator

This project generates scripts that are intended to be used in Tampermonkey to remove the cookies prompt on the specified website.

To generate a script this project uses the information from the array on src/data/pagesInfo.js. The data is an array of objects where each object target a specific website. Each object contain specific data about a website to be targeted by a script. There are some exaples populated on the array as example but none of those objects are requires. You can customize them or remove them as needed and only create the scripts that you require.

Object format

Property Type Description Default value
NAME String Name of the script to be created. It will be appended as a postfix e.g. anti-cookies-[custom name].js "script"
WEB_PAGE String This property will be used in the description of the script for Tampermonkey. It does not impact the script in any way "script"
MATCH String The match will be used to match the specific web site where the script should run. This follows Tampermonkey's rules. Please refer to its documentation here. "https://*"
CICLES Number Number of cicles to run. Useful for pages that will add a cookies prompt more than once 1
LOOP Boolean Flag to force an infinite number of cicles. Use it with CAUTION. false
AUTHOR String Name for author field. You can add your name here. ED
INCLUDES Array<String> Similar to MATCH this value helps to add pages where the script should run. Please check here for more information. []
MAX Number Max number of tries before the script stops. This is useful as many websites do not show a coockies prompt right away. Be mindful about how many retries you need. 5
RETRY_TIME Number Time in seconds between attempts. 1
TARGETS Array<String> Each targer should be a valid CSS selector that will be used to find the specific html element used for the cookie prompt to be removed. Each target will run independently of each other and each one will keep track of its own number of attempts. You can target the parent element of a CSS selector by adding the number of levels up for the parent followed by the caret symbol ^ before the selector. E.g. "1^#popup" to select the parent of the element with id "#popup". A target can also be a HTML element like document.body. To do that you need to append [JS] before the element. E.g. "[JS]document.body". []
PARENTS Array<String> Each element of the PARENTS array should be a valid CSS selector. These elements need to be unblocked for navigation (usually the body or html element). Websites may set overflow: hidden on these elements to prevent the user from navigating on their site. Elements on the parents array will be set to overflow: auto. You can target the parent element of a CSS selector by adding the number of levels up for the parent followed by the caret symbol ^ before the selector. E.g. "1^#popup" to select the parent of the element with id "#popup". A target can also be a HTML element like document.body. To do that you need to append [JS] before the element. E.g. "[JS]document.body". [ `html`, `body` ]

Example of object

  NAME: "Google",
  WEB_PAGE: "",
  MATCH: "https://*",

Script generated

The above object will produce the following script with the name anti-cookies-google.js under the dist folder.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Anti-Cookies Google
// @version      0.1
// @description  Remove cookies prompt for
// @author       ED
// @match        https://*
// @include      *://**
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
  const name = "Google";
  const label = `Anti-Cookies ${name}`;
  const max = 5; // number of retries
  const retryTime = 1; // in seconds
  const cicles = 1;
  const initialDelay = 0;
  const loop = false;
  const targets = [
    // Add here the css selectors of the elements to remove
  const parentElements = [
    // add here other elements that may need to be unblocked
    // string or element
  const getLogger = logLvlFunc => msg => logLvlFunc(`${label}: ${msg}`);
  const log = getLogger(console.log);
  const warn = getLogger(console.warn);
  const error = getLogger(console.error);

  const getParentAt = (level, selector) => {
    try {
      let el = document.querySelector(selector) ?? null;
      if (el) {
        for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
          el = el.parentElement;          
      return el;
    } catch (error) {
      return null

  const isSelectingParent = item => item.includes("^");

  const getFromString = item => {
    if (isSelectingParent(item)) {
      const [ parentLevel, selector ] = item.split("^");
      return getParentAt(parentLevel, selector);
    return document.querySelector(item) ?? null

  const getElement = el => typeof el === "string"
    ? getFromString(el) ?? null
    : el;

  const setOverflowAuto = element => = "auto";

  const unblockElement = el => {
    const element = getElement(el);

    if (element) {

  const safeRemove = overlay => {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      error("Unexpected error trying to remove element. Will be marked as completed.");

  const removeElement = selector => {
    const overlay = getElement(selector);
    if (!overlay) return false;
    return true;

  const tryRemove = (remove, onFail, count = 0) => {
    if (count > max) {

  const failMessage = selector => log(`Not found [${selector}]`);

  const shouldLoop = () => {
    if (loop) {
      warn("Looping is active");
      return true;
    return false;

  const restartCicle = (retryFunc, selector, cicle) => {
    if (shouldLoop() || cicle < cicles) {
      log(`Starting cicle ${cicle + 1} for [${selector}]`);

  const trackCicles = (retry, selector) => {
    let cicle = 0; // start from 0
    return _ => restartCicle(retry, selector, ++cicle);

  const getFunctionsForSelector = selector => {
    const onFail = () => {
    const remove = count => {
      const success = removeElement(selector);
      if (success) {
        log(`Target [${selector}] was removed`);
      } else {
        retry(count + 1);
    const retry = count => setTimeout(() => 
      tryRemove(remove, onFail, count), retryTime * 1000);
    const restartCicleIfNeeded = trackCicles(retry, selector);

    return [ remove, onFail ];

  const processTarget = selector => {
    log(`Trying to remove [${selector}]`);
    const [ remove, onFail ] = getFunctionsForSelector(selector);
    tryRemove(remove, onFail, 0);

  const initRemoveProcess = () => {
    setTimeout(_ => 
      initialDelay * 1000

  if (loop) {
    warn("Loop is active, be careful!");

  log(`Ending ${label}`);

The script is ready to be copied into Tampermonkey for use.


Generate scripts for Tampermonkey to remove cookies prompt







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