Reign for Spotify is a remote for friends, colleagues, housemates and yourself that works in any browser. It's available for download on the Mac App Store.
What makes Reign unique is that it uses a web page to feed commands to Spotify. Making any device with a web browser a potential remote; iPhone/Android phones, tablets, but also Playstation Vita's, e-Readers etc.
Reign works on 64bit Macs running OS X 10.7 and up.
Reign relies on the LaunchAtLoginHelper git submodule, so clone Reign as follows:
$ git clone --recursive
- Double click the
to open the project in Xcode.
- The workspace consists of two projects: Reign and a Helper. The Helper is used to launch Reign on startup;
- There are build schemes for App Store and Non App Store distribution;
- Some code (like the preferences window) differs between App Store and Non App Store (mainly because of Sparkle);
- The Server opens a http socket using CocoaHTTPServer, broadcasts it using Bonjour and feeds commands to Spotify using AppleScript;
- The Client uses CocoAsyncSocket looks around for other Reign servers;
- Comments are minimal, sorry, might fix that later.
- The App Store build uses Receigen for receipt validation, remove the build step and code in main.m if you don't have it;
- Related to Receigen, this repo relies on a statically linked OpenSSL library. Clear the
User Header Search Path
to remove it. - The dsa_pub.pem file for Sparkle is obviously missing.
- For me, this is a pet project, but we'll try our best to merge additions to our code;
- Bug-fixes and other stuff I can learn from are awesome;
- New features are great.
Robbie Hanson - CocoaAsyncSocket
Robbie Hanson - CocoaHTTPServer
Robbie Hanson - CocoaLumberjack
Ahmet Ardal - DisableSubviews
Vadim Shpakovski - MASPreferences
David Keegan - LaunchAtLoginHelper
Andy Matuschak - Sparkle
Boy van Amstel - boyvanamstel
Dan Gilbert - daentech
New BSD License, see LICENSE
for details.