Genetic Algorithm Template
This is a simple to use genetic algorithm template. In order to use you simply create your problem class to meet the
requirements set in the IProblem interface, (let's call it MyProblem). Then initialise as following.
GeneticAlgorithm MyGA = new();
MyGA.Set_Problem(new MyProblem);
There are currently two example IProblem complient classes in the problems folder. One is a simple convert a string to all 1s, and the second is based on the Ramsey 5,5 problem in mathematics to try and find a counterproof for 43, (presumed to be impossible).
############ Optional and modifyable at runtime
// ensures at least one mutation every mating
// sets a maximum age, this is to cause instability on local phenomena
// how likely a mutation is to happen (recursive) 1 = 2:1, 2 = 4:1, etc
// How big you want the population to be
MyGA.Reset_GA() // Reset the genenetic algorithm
MyGa.Get_Current_Best // Gets the current best (worth) of the population
// Stops the GA, (at the end of the current generation for neatness.)
There are also a few events:
E_GenerationComplete ... send the number of the generation
E_ImprovementFound ... send the gene string of a new improvement
E_AlgorithmSuccessful ... sends the genes of the winner