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Daniel edited this page Dec 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

This is a description of the first(deepest) class template in the line of inheritances.

Lobes creates from the MemoryCell class storage points for everything the program learns. Access to the memory cells must pass through Lobes.

In the model of the human brain this program tries to represent, the Lobes class is the outer most layer that contain all the data.

In order to protect the data, Lobes stands between Memory Cells and all others.

Future code will include permissions based control of adding/changing these memory cells.

Below is the most current copy of the code as of; 12/23/2018

#ifndef C_LOBES_H #define C_LOBES_H

#include <c_MemoryCell.h> #include <iostream> extern bool Verbose; using namespace std; class c_Lobes { public: c_Lobes(); virtual ~c_Lobes();

c_MemoryCell LeftLobeMemory[30000];
c_MemoryCell RightLobeMemory[30000];
    int LeftLobeUsageCount;
    int RightLobeUsageCount;
    int GetLeftLobeUsageCount(){return LeftLobeUsageCount;}
    int GetRightLobeUsageCount(){return RightLobeUsageCount;}
    int GetBrainCellCount(){return LeftLobeUsageCount+RightLobeUsageCount;}
void SetMemoryCellStringData(char LR, string strData, bool& Result){
    int TokenizedstrData;
    Result = false;
    TokenizedstrData = Tokenize(strData);
    if(TokenizedstrData <= (MAXCELLCOUNT-1)){
        if(LR == 'r'){
bool GetBrainCellIsSet(char LR, int Location){
    if(LR == 'r'){
        return RightLobeMemory[Location].GetpIsSet();}
            return LeftLobeMemory[Location].GetpIsSet();}
char GetBrainWordType(string strData, char Brainside)
    char tmpWordType;
    int tmpToken;
    tmpToken = Tokenize(strData);
    if (Brainside == 'l'){
       tmpWordType = LeftLobeMemory[tmpToken].GetpWordType();}
    if (Brainside == 'r'){
       tmpWordType = RightLobeMemory[tmpToken].GetpWordType();
    return tmpWordType;}
void BrainSetWordType(string strData, char Brainside, char tmpWordType){
    int tmpToken;
    tmpToken = Tokenize(strData);
    if (Brainside == 'l'){
    if (Brainside == 'r'){
       } }
bool CheckForKnownWord (string strData){                                                //currently right side only
    int tmpToken; tmpToken = Tokenize(strData);
    if(RightLobeMemory[tmpToken].GetpCellDataString() == strData){
        return true;}
            return false;}}
void InstallNewWord(string NewWord, char WordType, char Purpose, string NewWordLC){     //currently right side only
    if(Verbose)cout << "[c_Lobes.h::InstallNewWord]\n";
    int tmpToken;
    tmpToken = Tokenize(NewWord);
    if (tmpToken){
        cout << "Storing -->" << NewWord << " at " << tmpToken << endl;
int Tokenize (string str_Data)
    int z;
    int y;
    int PlaceValue;
    int tmpToken;
z = str_Data.size();
PlaceValue = 1;
tmpToken = 0;
for( y = z; y > 0; y--)
    tmpToken = tmpToken + (int(tolower(str_Data[y-1])))*PlaceValue;
        PlaceValue ++;
return tmpToken;
bool CheckLinkOfTwoNounsWithAdjectives(string FirstNoun,string SecondNoun, string& VerbUsage, string& MatchedAdjective){
   /** TODO **
     Check for multi Matching and report back if so.
     Current logic returns last matching Adjective.
VerbUsage           = "";
MatchedAdjective    = "";
bool Result; Result = false;
int FirstNounAdjectiveCount,SecondNounAdjectiveCount;
int TokenFirstNoun,TokenSecondNoun,intVerbUsage,intMatchedAdjective;
TokenFirstNoun           = Tokenize(FirstNoun);
TokenSecondNoun          = Tokenize(SecondNoun);
FirstNounAdjectiveCount  = RightLobeMemory[TokenFirstNoun].GetAdjectiveCount();
SecondNounAdjectiveCount = RightLobeMemory[TokenSecondNoun].GetAdjectiveCount();
if((FirstNounAdjectiveCount == 0) | (SecondNounAdjectiveCount == 0)){
   //can't match, no adjectives to compare
   //returns empty strings and false.
   for(int x = 0; x < FirstNounAdjectiveCount; x++){
     for(int y = 0; y < SecondNounAdjectiveCount; y++){
         if(RightLobeMemory[TokenFirstNoun].GetAdjective(x) == RightLobeMemory[TokenSecondNoun].GetAdjective(y)){
             Result              = true;
             intMatchedAdjective = RightLobeMemory[TokenFirstNoun].GetAdjective(x);
             MatchedAdjective    = RightLobeMemory[intMatchedAdjective].GetpCellDataString();
             intVerbUsage        = RightLobeMemory[TokenFirstNoun].GetVerbWithAdjective(x,1);
             VerbUsage           = RightLobeMemory[intVerbUsage].GetpCellDataString();}
     } } }
      return Result;


#endif // C_LOBES_H