Ueberauth plugin for Zapier OAuth.
Ueberauth is an authentication framework for Elixir applications that specializes in OAuth. This library is one of many plugins (called Strategies) that allow Ueberauth to integrate with different identity providers. Specifically, this one implements an OAuth integration with Zapier.
Setup your application integration in Zapier Development Dashboard https://developer.zapier.com/
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
:def deps do [ {:ueberauth, "~> 0.10"}, {:oauth2, "~> 2.1"}, {:ueberauth_zapier, "~> 0.1.1"} ] end
Add Zapier to your Überauth configuration:
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, providers: [ # Configure Zapier OAuth strategy with 'profile' scope to get user profile. # Additional scopes can be added as needed, separated by spaces zapier: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Zapier, [default_scope: "profile"]}, ]
Update your provider configuration:
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Zapier.OAuth, client_id: System.get_env("ZAPIER_CLIENT_ID"), client_secret: System.get_env("ZAPIER_CLIENT_SECRET")
Include the Überauth plug in your router pipeline:
defmodule TestZapierWeb.Router do use TestZapierWeb, :router pipeline :browser do plug Ueberauth ... end end
Add the request and callback routes:
scope "/auth", TestZapierWeb do pipe_through :browser get "/:provider", AuthController, :request get "/:provider/callback", AuthController, :callback end
Create a new controller or use an existing controller that implements callbacks to deal with
responses from Zapier.defmodule TestZapierWeb.AuthController do use TestZapierWeb, :controller def callback(%{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: _fails}} = conn, _params) do conn |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to authenticate.") |> redirect(to: "/") end def callback(%{assigns: %{ueberauth_auth: auth}} = conn, _params) do case UserFromAuth.find_or_create(auth) do {:ok, user} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Successfully authenticated.") |> put_session(:current_user, user) |> configure_session(renew: true) |> redirect(to: "/") {:error, reason} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, reason) |> redirect(to: "/") end end end
Once your setup, you can initiate auth using the following URL, unless you changed the routes from the guide:
The docs can be found at ueberauth_zapier on Hex Docs.