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Welcome to my Zork! My zork is a text game that is still in progress. You'll be able to use the next commads for move and know more about the world.

-Move Commands: 'go north' or 'go n' 'go south' or 'go s' 'go west' or go w' 'go east' or 'go e' 'go down' or 'go d' 'go up' or 'go u'. -Look Commands: 'look' 'look north' 'look n' 'look south' 'look s' 'look west' 'look w' 'look east' 'look e' 'look up' 'look down'. -Enter 'quit' to exit. -To open doors write 'open' and a direction -Write 'pick' or 'drop' and an item name to pick/drop it -Write 'equip' or 'unequip' and the name of the time you want to equip/unequip -Write 'inventory' to see the items that you have in your inventory -Write 'shrink' and 'grow' to do it. You can shrink and grow whenever you want, use it to find new objects etc. Daniel López

Pd* Ricard, em vas dir que et comentés que per haver fet un commit a classe em va sortir que el commit el va fer una altra persona.

Pd* La meva feature especial es ferse petit i gran a voluntat, aixi pots trobar altres objectes, arribar a altres habitacions o inclus morir.

Et deixo adjuntat un mapa on estan tots els objectes etc.