Create an application where users can play a card game, similar to BlackJack, and can view statistics on their wins and losses.
Clone the repository onto local machine
In a terminal, set the active folder to: 'blackjack2 > server'
run command "npm install"
run command "npm run server:dev" to start the backend
In a second terminal, set the active folder to: 'blackjack2 > client'
run command "npm install" in terminal
run command "npm start" to start the frontend
- welcome page where user enters a username
- rules / game instructions pop up
- fetch - cards.api
- displaying hands for player & dealer
- calculating totals to indicate the winner
- recording wins/losses in database
- user stat page to display their name & recent statistics
- adding the gambling aspect
- card animations
- highest payout
- Hidden card for dealer
- display win probability during play
- adding double-or-nothing / split