A work-in-progress project aimed at building a entity-relationship builder system using NLP
- Identify the subject and object entities from various data sources like news, blogs etc
- Identify the relationship and categorical scores and sentiments
- Build a historical knowledge graph of entities and various scores
- Analyse how entities are related, how the sentiment varies over a period of time
- Predict/forecast the futuristic sentiment and categorical scores
The elasticsearch docker container version 7.6.1
is used. More details: https://hub.docker.com/_/elasticsearch/
Start the elastic search container using
docker run -d --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:7.6.1
Index the newly available news articles into elasticsearch
Tokenize and parse the sentences, identify the different entities and relationships
- USE: https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/finance-nlp/
- Clean the sentences
- Detect active and passive voices before finding the relationships
- Improvise the subject and object detection
- Infer the pronouns in the sequence of sentences and replace pronouns with the actual subjects/objects