Minor Project (August - November, 2020)
My first 3D-Game-Development work. The Chess is very well known in domain of Game AI from the beginnig. I, too have tried to demonstrate AI algorithms in this game. Following are the details about game:
Game: 3D AI Chess
Game mode: Human Player vs Computer
AI-Algorithms: MiniMax, Alpha-beta pruning
Software: Unity-3D
Language: C#
Programming: Object Oriented Programming
Data-structures: Arrays, Lists, Stack
Tiles are highlighted based on actions:
- Yellow: Selected Chessman
- Blue: Walkable path for Chessman
- Light-Red: Tile with opponent's piece that can be captured
- Purple: EnPassant move or Castling move
- Red: King is in check
Code details:
- The heart of the game is BoardManager script, which is handling the entire game from beginning to end while utilizing the classes and functions defined in other scripts
- The logic for Chess AI that is implementation of AI algorithm is written in ChessAI script
- The comments and meaningful variable/function names will be helpful to understand the code
You can refer report for screenshots and related details.