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[dogwrap] new event format + trim output
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* New event body format:
	>>>> CMD <<<<
	>>>> EXIT CODE <<<<
	>>>> STDOUT <<<<
	>>>> STDERR <<<<
* Trim output to not exceed `MAX_EVENT_BODY_LENGTH` size
  * Keep the first 1/3rd of the budget on the top,
    and the other 2 thirds on the bottom.

Fix #91
Thanks @gnarf !
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yannmh committed Nov 17, 2015
1 parent 240fdf5 commit 660300b
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Wraps shell commands and sends the result to Datadog as events. Ex:
dogwrap -n test-job -k $API_KEY --submit_mode all "ls -lah"
Note that you need to enclose your command in quotes to prevent python
from thinking the command line arguments belong to the python command
instead of the wrapped command.
You can also have the script only send events if they fail:
dogwrap -n test-job -k $API_KEY --submit_mode errors "ls -lah"
And you can give the command a timeout too:
dogwrap -n test-job -k $API_KEY --timeout=1 "sleep 3"
# stdlib
import optparse
import pkg_resources as pkg
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time

# datadog
from datadog import initialize, api

SUCCESS = 'success'
ERROR = 'error'


class Timeout(Exception):

class OutputReader(threading.Thread):
Thread collecting the output of a subprocess, optionally forwarding it to
a given file descriptor and storing it for further retrieval.
def __init__(self, proc_out, fwd_out=None):
Instantiates an OutputReader.
:param proc_out: the output to read
:type proc_out: file descriptor
:param fwd_out: the output to forward to (None to disable forwarding)
:type fwd_out: file descriptor or None
self.daemon = True
self._out_content = u""
self._out = proc_out
self._fwd_out = fwd_out

def run(self):
Thread's main loop: collects the output optionnally forwarding it to
the file descriptor passed in the constructor.
for line in iter(self._out.readline, b''):
if self._fwd_out is not None:
line = line.decode('utf-8')
self._out_content += line

def content(self):
The content stored in out so far. (Not threadsafe, wait with .join())
return self._out_content

def poll_proc(proc, sleep_interval, timeout):
Polls the process until it returns or a given timeout has been reached
start_time = time.time()
returncode = None
while returncode is None:
returncode = proc.poll()
if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
raise Timeout()
return returncode

def execute(cmd, cmd_timeout, sigterm_timeout, sigkill_timeout,
proc_poll_interval, buffer_outs):
Launches the process and monitors its outputs
start_time = time.time()
returncode = -1
stdout = ''
stderr = ''
proc = subprocess.Popen(u' '.join(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
except Exception:
print >> sys.stderr, u"Failed to execute %s" % (repr(cmd))
# Let's that the threads collecting the output from the command in the
# background
out_reader = OutputReader(proc.stdout, sys.stdout if not buffer_outs else None)
err_reader = OutputReader(proc.stderr, sys.stderr if not buffer_outs else None)

# Let's quietly wait from the program's completion here et get the exit
# code when it finishes
returncode = poll_proc(proc, proc_poll_interval, cmd_timeout)

# Let's harvest the outputs collected by our background threads after
# making sure they're done reading it.
stdout = out_reader.content
stderr = err_reader.content

duration = time.time() - start_time
except Timeout:
duration = time.time() - start_time
sigterm_start = time.time()
print >> sys.stderr, "Command timed out after %.2fs, killing with SIGTERM" \
% (time.time() - start_time)
poll_proc(proc, proc_poll_interval, sigterm_timeout)
returncode = Timeout
except Timeout:
print >> sys.stderr, "SIGTERM timeout failed after %.2fs, killing with SIGKILL" \
% (time.time() - sigterm_start)
poll_proc(proc, proc_poll_interval, sigkill_timeout)
returncode = Timeout
except OSError as e:
# Ignore OSError 3: no process found.
if e.errno != 3:
return returncode, stdout, stderr, duration

def trim_text(text, max_len):
Trim input text to fit the `max_len` condition.
If trim is needed: keep the first 1/3rd of the budget on the top,
and the other 2 thirds on the bottom.
if len(text) <= max_len:
return text

trimmed_text = \
u"```\n" \
u"*...trimmed...*\n" \
u"```\n" \
top_third=text[:max_len / 3],
bottom_two_third=text[len(text) - (2 * max_len) / 3:]

return trimmed_text

def build_event_body(cmd, returncode, stdout, stderr, notifications):
Format and return an event body
fmt_stdout = u""
fmt_stderr = u""
fmt_notifications = u""

if stdout:
fmt_stdout = u"**>>>> STDOUT <<<<**\n```\n{stdout} \n```\n".format(
stdout=trim_text(stdout, MAX_LENGTH)

if stderr:
fmt_stderr = u"**>>>> STDERR <<<<**\n```\n{stderr} \n```\n".format(
stderr=trim_text(stderr, MAX_LENGTH)

if notifications:
fmt_notifications = u"**>>>> NOTIFICATIONS <<<<**\n\n {notifications}\n".format(

return \
u"%%%\n" \
u"**>>>> CMD <<<<**\n```\n{command} \n```\n" \
u"**>>>> EXIT CODE <<<<**\n\n {returncode}\n\n\n" \
u"{stdout}" \
u"{stderr}" \
u"{notifications}" \
command=u" ".join(cmd),

def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog -n [event_name] -k [api_key] --submit_mode \
[ all | errors ] [options] \"command\". \n\nNote that you need to enclose your command in \
quotes to prevent python as soon as there is a space in your command. \n \nNOTICE: In normal \
mode, the whole stderr is printed before stdout, in flush_live mode they will be mixed but there \
is not guarantee that messages sent by the command on both stderr and stdout are printed in the \
order they were sent.", version="%prog {0}".format(pkg.require("datadog")[0].version))

parser.add_option('-n', '--name', action='store', type='string', help="the name of the event \
as it should appear on your Datadog stream")
parser.add_option('-k', '--api_key', action='store', type='string',
help="your DataDog API Key")
parser.add_option('-m', '--submit_mode', action='store', type='choice',
default='errors', choices=['errors', 'all'], help="[ all | errors ] if set \
to error, an event will be sent only of the command exits with a non zero exit status or if it \
times out.")
parser.add_option('-p', '--priority', action='store', type='choice', choices=['normal', 'low'],
help="the priority of the event (default: 'normal')")
parser.add_option('-t', '--timeout', action='store', type='int', default=60 * 60 * 24,
help="(in seconds) a timeout after which your command must be aborted. An \
event will be sent to your DataDog stream (default: 24hours)")
parser.add_option('--sigterm_timeout', action='store', type='int', default=60 * 2,
help="(in seconds) When your command times out, the \
process it triggers is sent a SIGTERM. If this sigterm_timeout is reached, it will be sent a \
SIGKILL signal. (default: 2m)")
parser.add_option('--sigkill_timeout', action='store', type='int', default=60,
help="(in seconds) how long to wait at most after SIGKILL \
has been sent (default: 60s)")
parser.add_option('--proc_poll_interval', action='store', type='float', default=0.5,
help="(in seconds). interval at which your command will be polled \
(default: 500ms)")
parser.add_option('--notify_success', action='store', type='string', default='',
help="a message string and @people directives to send notifications in \
case of success.")
parser.add_option('--notify_error', action='store', type='string', default='',
help="a message string and @people directives to send notifications in \
case of error.")
parser.add_option('-b', '--buffer_outs', action='store_true', dest='buffer_outs', default=False,
help="displays the stderr and stdout of the command only once it has \
returned (the command outputs remains buffered in dogwrap meanwhile)")
parser.add_option('--tags', action='store', type='string', dest='tags', default='',
help="comma separated list of tags")

options, args = parser.parse_args()

cmd = []
for part in args:
cmd.extend(part.split(' '))
# If silent is checked we force the outputs to be buffered (and therefore
# not forwarded to the Terminal streams) and we just avoid printing the
# buffers at the end
returncode, stdout, stderr, duration = execute(
cmd, options.timeout,
options.sigterm_timeout, options.sigkill_timeout,
options.proc_poll_interval, options.buffer_outs)

host = api._host_name

if returncode == 0:
alert_type = SUCCESS
event_priority = 'low'
event_title = u'[%s] %s succeeded in %.2fs' % (host,,
alert_type = ERROR
event_priority = 'normal'

if returncode is Timeout:
event_title = u'[%s] %s timed out after %.2fs' % (host,, duration)
returncode = -1
event_title = u'[%s] %s failed in %.2fs' % (host,, duration)

notifications = ""
if alert_type == SUCCESS and options.notify_success:
notifications = options.notify_success
elif alert_type == ERROR and options.notify_error:
notifications = options.notify_error

if options.tags:
tags = [t.strip() for t in options.tags.split(',')]
tags = None

event_body = build_event_body(cmd, returncode, stdout, stderr, notifications)

event = {
'alert_type': alert_type,
'host': host,
'priority': options.priority or event_priority,
'tags': tags

if options.buffer_outs:
print >> sys.stderr, stderr.strip()
print >> sys.stdout, stdout.strip()

if options.submit_mode == 'all' or returncode != 0:
api.Event.create(title=event_title, text=event_body, **event)


if __name__ == '__main__':

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