dd-sdk-ios uses the OpenTelemetry APIs
for Tracing which are provided by the OpenTelemetryApi
package in
dd-sdk-ios supports Swift Package Manager (SPM), XCFramework, CocoaPods, and
Carthage but OpenTelemetry only provides the SPM package support. This
repository fills the gap by providing the XCFramework, CocoaPods, and Carthage
packages for the OpenTelemetryApi package. Also, hosts API only SPM package
which allows SPM users to use the API package without cloning the OpenTelemetry
repository. It uses the official releases from opentelemetry-swift and maintains
the same versioning scheme.
The automation
workflow is setup for running every day and it checks for new
version release of the OpenTelemetry Swift libraries. If a new version is found,
it will build the new version using the tag, package it as XCFramework, and push
it to the releases, and update the CocoaPods and Carthage specs.
You can download the XCFramework from the releases page and add it to your project.
pod 'OpenTelemetrySwiftApi', '~> 1.9.1'
binary "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DataDog/opentelemetry-swift-packages/main/OpenTelemetryApi.json" ~> 1.9.1
.package(url: "https://github.com/DataDog/opentelemetry-swift-packages.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.9.1")),
You can import a specific version of the package by copy-pasting source code from the releases. Make sure to use the same version as the OpenTelemetry release.
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