This project was originally a wrapper of Steve Sanderson's BlazorFileInput, but now has been updated to the InputFile .NET component. This project has been updated to .NET 8.
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NTouch - A Simple Contact Management Demo
Blazor Gallery is a C#, Blazor, SQL Server image portfolio site, allowing anyone to create up to five folders with up to 20 images per file.
Live Demo:
To see a complete working example, with source code please visit:
Blazor Gallery
Blazor Gallery can also be installed as a dotnet cli project: (You may change the top line to any directory you wish)
cd c:\Projects\BlazorGallery
dotnet new install DataJuggler.BlazorGallery
dotnet new DataJuggler.BlazorGallery
Another complete working example, with source code please visit:
Blazor Excelerate
Code Generate C# Classes From Excel Header Rows
The source code for the above project is available at:
Here is an example of creating a file upload component:
@using DataJuggler.Blazor.FileUpload
<FileUpload CustomSuccessMessage="Your file uploaded successfully."
OnReset="OnReset" ResetButtonClassName="localbutton" ShowStatus="false"
PartialGuidLength="12" MaxFileSize=@UploadLimit FilterByExtension="true"
ShowCustomButton="true" ButtonText="Upload Excel" OnChange="OnFileUploaded"
CustomButtonClassName="@OrangeButton" AllowedExtensions=".xlsx"
ShowResetButton="false" AppendPartialGuid="true"
CustomExtensionMessage="Only .xlsx extensions are allowed."
InputFileClassName="customfileupload" Visible=false Status="Refresh"
To handle the File Upload event 'OnFileUploaded'. The code shown also starts a progress bar timer and reads the sheet names using Nuget package DataJuggler.Excelerate (the Nuget package that powers Blazor Excelerate).
#region OnFileUploaded(UploadedFileInfo file)
/// <summary>
/// This method On File Uploaded
/// </summary>
public void OnFileUploaded(UploadedFileInfo file)
// if the file was uploaded
if (!file.Aborted)
// Show the Progressbar
ShowProgress = true;
// if the ProgressBar
if (HasProgressBar)
// Start the Timer
// Create a model
GetSheetNamesModel model = new GetSheetNamesModel();
// Set the model
model.FullPath = file.FullPath;
// Store this for later
ExcelPath = file.FullPath;
// reload the model
// for debugging only
if (file.HasException)
// for debugging only
string message = file.Exception.Message;
9.13.2023: I updated 5 NuGet packages.
11.17.2023: This project has been updated to .NET8.
8.13.2023: DataJuggler.Blazor.Components was updated because DataJuggler.UltimateHelper was updated.
version 7.1.0 7.2.2023: DataJuggler.BlazorFileUpload now supports multiple file uploads.
7.1.2 7.22.2023: DataJuggler.Blazor.Components was updated.