This project aims to be an example of a full REST API, created with FastAPI & Pydantic, using async SQLAlchemy to persist the data on a supported database (currently using PostgreSQL).
The main principles intended to follow are:
- Usage of Pydantic models for all request/response bodies
- Usage of Alembic migrations for SQLAlchemy
- Persistence of different data entities (different tables on a database), with relationships between them
- Request-handling codebase organized in
request handling
- Contextual logging (each log record have its request id), using Loguru
- Create the whole OpenAPI documentation with the maximum detail, including full, detailed models for requests, responses and errors.
- Usage of Pydantic BaseSettings to load settings from .env file or environment variables
- Acceptance tests only (live tests using the API and a real database)
- Git Flow:
- usage of main and develop branches
- one branch per feature/bug/issue
- following Conventional Commits (on main/develop branches only)
- priorize squash merge (feature branches may have several "WIP-like" commits, that do not follow Conventional Commits)
The API simulates the backend of the management system of a fictional pet shelter, providing endpoint to perform CRUD operations. Two entities are persisted - animals and shelters (physical places where the animals live), so a relationship between these two entities is made. In the future, more entities could be added - like people working at the shelters or people adopting the pets.
- Python >= 3.6
- Requirements listed in requirements.txt
- Virtual env or Conda/Miniconda env recommended
make install-requirements
make run
make install-test-requirements
make test
- 0.0.1:
- initial version
- API skeleton