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Backend that allows the administration of clients, restaurants, orders, delivery men, mailing and more.

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Nestjs - Food Delivery Backend

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Food delivery application based on the concept of uber, rappi, etc... In which you can register as a customer, owner or delivery person and depending on your profile you can register your restaurant for the sale of food, help deliver orders and order what you like the most.


The project

Backend built mainly to be consumed by the frontend application made with react that you can find in the following link: react-food-delivery.


  • Personalized mailing
  • Account confirmation
  • Use of graphql and apollo server
  • Web sockets with Graphql
  • Handlebears for mail templates
  • Postgress with TypeORM
  • Tasks schedules
  • Linters and prettier config
  • Email confirmation
  • Docker to create the database


To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js installed on your computer. Optional you can install Yarn.

From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd food-delivery-backend

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

You must have docker installed to create and run the database.

# It will create the database container
$ docker-compose up

# If you see the message below in your terminal, the container was created successfully.
database system is ready to accept connections

To connect to the database you can use a tool like DBeaver or the one you prefer. The data you need for the connection can be found and configured in the docker-compose.yml file.

In any case, I leave you the commands in case you want to see the tables from your terminal.

# First you have to access the container
docker exec -it <container-name> psql -U <username> <database>

# If you accessed correctly you will see this change in your terminal

# Then run the following command to list the tables (you can run any PSQL-Query you like)

# e.g. food_delivery=# \dt
# The output of the above command
                 List of relations
 Schema |          Name          | Type  |
 public | category               | table |
 public | dish                   | table |
 public | email_verification     | table |
 public | order                  | table |
 public | order_item             | table |
 public | payment                | table |
 public | restaurant             | table |
 public | typeorm_metadata       | table |
 public | u


Starts the application in development mode with active code reloading, bug reports, and more.

For the application to run properly don't forget to add your, and .env.test files in the root of the project (at the same level as the src folder).

# development
$ npm run start

# development and watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Sometimes when you get an error in terminal like file not found, it can be fixed by removing the dist folder from the root. Or, you can also run the command npm run prebuild

After successfully running the application, you can go to http://localhost:4000/graphql to interact with the graphql playground.


# Unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# Test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Don't forget to set your environment variables. In the project there is a file called there it has all the variables you will need.


Released under the MIT licensed.
Feel free to fork this project and improve it. Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Backend that allows the administration of clients, restaurants, orders, delivery men, mailing and more.







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