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Symfony 3.4 RESTful API

Please note this project was built just for testing and educational purposes.


Download and install Docker:

Download and install Git (optional):

Docker schema

This project provides by default the following Docker Containers:

  • Nginx v1.12 on port 80
  • PHP v7.0 FPM on port 9000
  • MySQL v5.5 on port 3306 with root user and password password

Docker Containers Schema

Download and install

Just download this repository through the Clone or download green button, just above the file/folder panel.

In case you have installed Git, you can proceed to clone this repository through the following command:

git clone

Go to the project's folder:

cd sf34-rest

And create your .env file based on .env.dist (feel free to update the provided details by the ones you need to run your project):

cp .env.dist .env

Build and run all Docker containers:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Alternatively, you can build and start all Docker containers:

docker-compose build
docker-compose start

If you opted to start - instead of run - the containers, then you might need to stop them:

docker-compose stop

You can get a list of all containers and their current status (please note that container names might change on your own environment):

docker-compose ps

     Name                    Command              State           Ports
sf34_database_1 mysqld     Up>3306/tcp
sf34_nginx_1      nginx -g daemon off;            Up>80/tcp
sf34_php_1        docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm   Up      9000/tcp

So you can run commands for a given container, like run the container's shell:

docker exec -it sf34_php_1 bash

Or you can use it to generate your own database, that will be used through your database connection:

docker exec -it sf34_php_1 php /code/bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists

How to access to the API endpoints

Given Nginx runs on port 80, you can browse your own local environment (http://localhost/api/ping) to verify if the installation worked, where you should see the following output:

    "ping": "pong"

Or you can browse the Environment endpoint (http://localhost/api/environment) to check the installed versions of Nginx and PHP as well as the installed version of Symfony, where you should see an output like this:

    "web_server_version": "nginx/1.12.2",
    "php_version": "7.0.27",
    "symfony_version": "3.4.4"

How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes

Docker provides a single command that will clean up any resources — images, containers, volumes, and networks — that are dangling (not associated with a container):

docker system prune

To additionally remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images), add the -a flag to the command:

docker system prune -a

How to add more Docker containers and services

Upgrade your PHP version

In the event you want to use Symfony 4.x instead of Symfony 3.4 (or if your project has other dependencies that require a newer PHP version) then you can update the required PHP image on your Docker/Config/PHP/Dockerfile file, replacing the PHP image from...

FROM php:7.0-fpm

FROM php:7.1-fpm

...or - alternatively - you can just get the latest PHP version:

FROM php:fpm

PHP My Admin

You might need to check your MySQL database. If that's the case then you might want to download the Docker Container for PHP My Admin, a well known PHP tool to manage your MySQL database.

You will need to update your docker-compose.yml file in order to add this content:

    image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
      - database:db
      - 8082:80
      - PMA_USER=root
      - PMA_PASSWORD=password


This repository has been created just for testing and educational purposes, based on these 2 examples: