Developed by Davis_Software © 2024
This Project aims to enable users of the DJuiced DJ Software to write their configured track cues into the ID3 tags of the track files with the Serato GEOB format. This will essentially transfer all cues into Serato.
You can Install JuicySerato through multiple sources
- Via Python Package Index
pip install juicy_serato
- Download an executable
- Go to GitHubs Release section and download the correct executable file for your os.
- Inject Serato ID3 tags in-place:
juicy_serato -b <path to djuced db> inject
- Copy all Library files to a target folder and inject the ID3 tags into these:
juicy_serato -b <path to djuced db> copy <target path>
- Generate virtual env
python -m venv .venv
- Activate the venv
- Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install the package in edit mode
pip install -e .
- Build with
python -m build