Unity WebXR Multiplayer Template, based on Unity VR Multiplayer Template.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the project using a supported Unity version and Web as the build platform.
- Set Unity Cloud ID for the project, check that the Vivox voice chat service is also set.
- Build the project.
- Run the build on HTTPS server.
- Run instance of the project in the Editor or in Desktop build.
- Open a room in the Editor or in Desktop build.
- Now you can join the room from a web browser.
Important notice regarding this Git repository - This repository use Symlinks. make sure that Symlinks are enabled when you clone.
git config core.symlinks true
and up.
The intention of this repository is to be a starter kit for multiplayer WebXR rooms. To get to this goal, the needed features are:
- Better controls for Non-XR mode.
- Streamlined way to deploy headless version to Unity Multiplay Hosting.
- Setting room creator from web as host.
- Using Addressables to load different parts (like minigames) only when needed.
- Performance optimizations. (Currently needs Desktop PC to run well)
This repository is meant to use Unity's services. Other multiplayer and voice-chat solutions might be better, but implementing them would be more appropriate in a fork.
Help is needed. All are welcome to open issues and pull requests.
Unity VR Multiplayer Template copyright © 2024 Unity Technologies and licensed under the Unity Companion License for Unity-dependent projects. https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.template.vr-multiplayer@2.0/license/LICENSE.html
Changes and Adaptations made in this repository are licensed under the MIT License.