A tool to check problems about meta files of Unity on Git repositories, and also the tool can do limited autofix for meta files of auto-generated files.
This tool can check the following problems:
- Missing meta files
- Missing means that an asset should have a meta file but the meta file is not committed. This problem can cause broken asset references.
- Dangling meta files
- Dangling means that a meta file exist, but the asset is not committed. This problem can cause annoying warning messages.
$ # Change the current directory to your Unity project or UPM package.
$ cd /path/to/unity/project
$ # Execute unity-meta-check (specifying -silent make that unity-meta-check only show results or fatal errors).
$ unity-meta-check -silent
missing: Assets/Not/Added.meta
missing: Packages/com.my.pkg/README.meta
missing: LocalPackages/com.local.pkg/README.meta
dangling: Assets/Not/Removed.meta
dangling: Packages/com.my.pkg/MyPkg.csproj.meta
dangling: LocalPackages/com.local.pkg/LocalPkg.csproj.meta
$ # unity-meta-check exit with non-zero status if one or more missing/dangling .meta files exist.
$ echo $?
Typically, unity-meta-check don't need to specify the target type (Unity project or UPM package) because unity-meta-check can automatically detect it.
You can explicitly specify -unity-project
or -upm-package
to disable the automatic detection, if the detection result was not intended.
If you want to ignore some problems, you can use .meta-check-ignore
(this format is very similar to .gitignore
but !
is not supported):
$ unity-meta-check -silent
missing: Assets/Not/Added1.meta
missing: Assets/NotAdded2.meta
$ # You can ignore these problems using .meta-check-ignore:
$ cat .meta-check-ignore
Assets/Not # All files in the directory or the sub directories get ignored.
Assets/NotAdded2.meta # Also can specify the path to files.
$ # unity-meta-check will ignore these problems.
$ unity-meta-check -silent
See more advanced usage for more information.
This way is recommended to use unity-meta-check on CI.
$ docker pull ghcr.io/dena/unity-meta-check/unity-meta-check:latest
$ cd path/to/your/proj
$ docker run -v "$(pwd):/target" --rm ghcr.io/dena/unity-meta-check/unity-meta-check:latest -silent /target
missing Assets/AssetsMissing.meta
missing LocalPackages/com.example.local.pkg/LocalPkgMissing.meta
missing Packages/com.example.pkg/PkgMissing.meta
dangling Assets/AssetsDangling.meta
dangling LocalPackages/com.example.local.pkg/LocalPkgDangling.meta
dangling Packages/com.example.pkg/PkgDangling.meta
$ docker run --rm ghcr.io/dena/unity-meta-check/unity-meta-check:latest -help
usage: unity-meta-check [<options>] [<path>]
To check only, the following YAML can cover almost case:
name: Meta Check
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: DeNA/unity-meta-check@v3
See ./action.yml
for more detials.
Advanced Usage for JUnit report + Autofix + PR Comment report
The following YAML is the example for JUnit report + Autofix + PR Comment report:
name: Meta Check
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: DeNA/unity-meta-check@v3
enable_autofix: true
autofix_globs: .
enable_junit: true
junit_xml_path: junit.xml
enable_pr_comment: true
pr_comment_lang: ja
pr_comment_send_success: true
- name: See how autofix did
run: git status
if: always()
- uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@v2
report_paths: junit.xml
if: always()
Advanced Usage for push
events instead of pull_request
name: Meta Check
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: jwalton/gh-find-current-pr@v1
id: findPr
- uses: DeNA/unity-meta-check@v3
enable_pr_comment: true
pr_comment_pull_number: ${{ steps.findPr.outputs.number }}
Binaries are available on releases.
Provided features are built on several individual binaries:
- Checker for missing/dangling meta files. The result print to stdout.
- Autofix for meta files problems. It need a result of
via stdin. unity-meta-check-junit
- Reporter for Jenkins compatible XML based JUnit reports. It need a result of
from stdin. unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment
- Reporter for GitHub comments of GitHub issues or pull requests. It need a result of
from stdin.
checks missing/dangling meta files on the commit.
This check based on a git tree object instead of the working directory. It means you MUST commit adding missing meta files or removing dangling meta files to re-check by unity-meta-check
Other complemental features such as autofix or reporting are provided other binaries.
$ unity-meta-check -help
usage: unity-meta-check [<options>] [<path>]
Check missing or dangling .meta files.
root directory of your Unity project or UPM package to check (default "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)")
set log level to DEBUG (default INFO)
-ignore-file string
path to .meta-check-ignore
ignore dangling .meta
ignore git submodules and nesting repositories (this is RECOMMENDED but not enabled by default because it can cause to miss problems in submodules or nesting repositories)
treat case of file paths
set log level to WARN (default INFO)
check as Unity project
check as sub directory of Unity project
check as UPM package (same meaning of -unity-project-sub-dir)
print version
$ cd path/to/UnityProject
$ unity-meta-check -silent
$ cd path/to/any/dir
$ unity-meta-check -silent -upm-package path/to/MyUPMPackage
$ unity-meta-check -silent -unity-project-sub-dir path/to/UnityProject/Assets/Sub/Dir
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-junit path/to/junit.xml
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment <options>
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-junit path/to/junit.xml | unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment <options>
If both -silent
and -debug
are specified, -silent
fix (very limited) problems about meta files. It needs a result of unity-meta-check
via stdin. It can fix the following problems:
- Missing meta files for folders
Example of auto-generated meta files
fileFormatVersion: 2 guid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx folderAsset: yes DefaultImporter: externalObjects: {} userData: assetBundleName: assetBundleVariant:
Automatic GUID generation does not depend on time, so it is safe if autofix runs parallel.
- Missing meta files for some binaries
- Sometimes you need to import auto-generated binary data files (like encoded as Protocol Buffer Binary Wire Format) programmatically. Then, autofix feature is useful because it can add meta files to the binaries.
Example of auto-generated meta files
guid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TextScriptImporter: externalObjects: {} userData: assetBundleName: assetBundleVariant:
Automatic GUID generation does not depend on time, so it is safe if autofix runs parallel.
$ unity-meta-autofix -help
usage: unity-meta-autofix [<options>] <pattern> [<pattern>...]
Fix missing or dangling .meta. Currently autofix is only limited support.
glob pattern to path where autofix allowed on
set log level to DEBUG (default INFO)
dry run
-root-dir string
directory path to where unity-meta-check checked at (default ".")
set log level to WARN (default INFO)
print version
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-autofix -dry-run path/to/autofix
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-autofix <options> | <other-unity-meta-check-tool>
Currently, autofix for dangling meta files is not supported, because it might be dangerous on some situations.
is a reporter for Jenkins compatible XML based JUnit reports. It needs a result of unity-meta-check
via stdin.
$ unity-meta-check-junit -help
usage: unity-meta-check-junit [<options>] [<path>]
Save a JUnit report file for the result from unity-meta-check via STDIN.
output path to write JUnit report
print version
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-junit path/to/junit-report.xml
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-junit path/to/junit-report.xml | <other-unity-meta-check-tool>
is a reporter for GitHub comments of GitHub issues or pull requests. It needs a result of unity-meta-check
via stdin.
$ unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment -help
usage: unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment [<options>]
Post a comment for the result from unity-meta-check via STDIN to GitHub Pull Request.
-api-endpoint string
GitHub API endpoint URL (like https://github.example.com/api/v3) (default "https://api.github.com")
set log level to DEBUG (default INFO)
-lang string
language code (available: en, ja) (default "en")
-owner string
owner of the GitHub repository
-pull uint
pull request number
-repo string
name of the GitHub repository
set log level to WARN (default INFO)
-template-file string
custom template file
print version
GitHub API token. The scope can be empty if your repository is public. Otherwise, the scope should contain "repo"
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN="********"
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment \
-api-endpoint https://api.github.com \
-owner example-org \
-repo my-repo \
-pull "$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER" # This is for CircleCI
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN="********" # This should be set via credentials().
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment \
-api-endpoint https://github.example.com/api/v3 \
-owner example-org \
-repo my-repo \
-pull "$ghprbPullId" # This is for Jenkins with GitHub PullRequest Builder plugin
$ GITHUB_TOKEN="********" unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-junit path/to/unity-meta-check-result.xml | unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment <options> | <other-unity-meta-check-tool>
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN="********" # This should be set via credentials().
$ unity-meta-check <options> | unity-meta-check-github-pr-comment \
-api-endpoint https://github.example.com/api/v3 \
-owner example-org \
-repo my-repo \
-pull "$ghprbPullId" \
-template-file path/to/template.json # template file can be used for localization for GitHub comments.
If a template file is like:
"success": "No missing/dangling .meta found. Perfect!",
"failure": "Some missing or dangling .meta found. Fix commits are needed.",
"header_status": "Status",
"header_file_path": "File",
"status_missing": "Not committed",
"status_dangling": "Not removed"
then the output become:
No missing/dangling .meta found. Perfect!
Some missing or dangling .meta found. Fix commits are needed.
| Status | File |
| Not committed | `path/to/missing.meta` |
| Not removed | `path/to/dangling.meta` |