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As of right now FishHunt is a GMAIL phishing detection system, uses a machine learning model trained on 5000 phishing emails and 5000 non-phsishing emails.
It also uses MalTrail list of malicious domains that is updated every day and checks the urls in the emails for any of those malicious urls.
If you are cloning dont forget to give me a little star!
1- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2- Copy and paste your credentials.json in the root folder from your google oauth client, file name must be credentials.json
2- Go to /FishNet
and run python3 email_training.py
, this will start the model training with the legal and phishing emails .mbox
3- We will have now 2 file outputs after running the email_training phishing_model.pkl
and vectorizer.pkl
, move this files to the root folder.
4- Now go to root folder and run python3 main.py
, if you have not been logged in before then it will open a browser tab with the gmail auth page
5- After logging in it will create a token.json
file in the root folder which will be used for further runs of the script without needing to log in each time you run it
5- By default it checks your last 100 emails, you can modify the script phishing_detection.py
to increase the default, or implement websockets/push-notifications for live tracking