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Datadog cli tool to sync resources across organizations.


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Deepomatic fork

Dump of additional hackish import/sync/cleanup_org for extra resources not supported by upstream, used by Deepomatic when migrating region. Maybe it will help somebody.


For some resources: it uses non-official api (from web frontend), using dogweb cookie and x-csrf-token header


Warning: it's a hack, with shortcuts:

  • it is not endorsed by Datadog (or supported by Deepomatic)
  • authentication is either/or: cookie_dogweb config are required for those resources, and datadog-cli switches to cookie dogweb mode if config set, it will not work for other resources
  • web frontend api is not documented, it could break at any time

extra resources


how to use:

  • edit hardcoded sourceid in datadog_sync/model/ for your organizations, by getting the values in URLs with manual update facet on the web ui.
  • setup dogweb cookie mode, cf above


how to use:

  • setup dogweb cookie mode, cf above


create metric metadata is not supported by datadog api, we can just update it on already existing metric.

  • first push data-points on metric, then rerun the script when new metrics are populated


The supported scenario is importing all incidents (in order) so public_id (1, 2, etc.) are identical in source & destination organizations: never create new incidents in the destination organization before finishing the migration with datadog-sync-cli.

Only the base incident data is supported, related resources (integrations(slack), todos(remediations), attachments) may be done later with dedicated resources.

The import is lossy: for example the creation date is on sync, timeline is lost, etc.

'notifications' explicitly not-sync'ed to avoid spamming people during import (although later tests seem to conclude 'inactive' user (invitation pending: sync'ed users, but they never connected to the destination region) are not notified)


  • api bug: it url-escapes slack redirect_url & query-string separator character before saving: this leads to a forever diff: datadog-sync-cli tries to PATCH the correct value on each sync, the server saves a wrong value.


  • creation date & author is lost, as usual


  • undocumented api, but standard v2 api used by web frontend, works with API/APP key
  • just one resource per org, forcing update, ignoring ids, etc.


  • perpetual diff: on 'metadata' for ootb service & team:
    • PATCH ok (maybe ignores metadata?)
    • but PATCH response contains metadata: null => diffs always shows it; it's ok, we can ignore those



Covers General>Integrations & Notifications>Rules

  • (api inconsistency: attributes.triggers.variables.severity_values and attributes.triggers.variables.status_values are null in read calls, and require an array in write calls)
  • errors (probably because some workflows are hardcoded, not duplicable, but no obvious attribute to distingish them)
    • Error: 400 Bad Request - {"errors":["a workflow like that already exists"]}
    • Error: 400 Bad Request - {"errors":["Invalid payload: 'name' is invalid"]} => ignoring those errors for now, and manually fixed Send all incident updates to a global channel via web frontend.


how to use:

  • supports only one slack account
  • api doesn't support muting option
  • manually create the slack integration in destination organization, with same name as in source
  • edit hardcoded slack_account_name in datadog_sync/model/ for your organizations
  • run import & diffs & sync as usual


Datadog cli tool to sync resources across organizations.

Table of Contents


The purpose of the datadog-sync-cli package is to provide an easy way to sync Datadog resources across Datadog organizations.

Note: this tool does not, nor is intended, for migrating intake data such as ingested logs, metrics, etc.

The source organization will not be modified, but the destination organization will have resources created and updated during by sync command.


  • Python >= v3.9

Supported resources

Resource Description
roles Sync Datadog roles.
users Sync Datadog users.
synthetics_private_locations Sync Datadog synthetics private locations.
synthetics_tests Sync Datadog synthetics tests.
synthetics_global_variables Sync Datadog synthetics global variables.
monitors Sync Datadog monitors.
downtimes Sync Datadog downtimes.
service_level_objectives Sync Datadog SLOs.
slo_corrections Sync Datadog SLO corrections.
spans_metrics Sync Datadog spans metrics.
dashboards Sync Datadog dashboards.
dashboard_lists Sync Datadog dashboard lists.
logs_pipelines Sync Datadog logs OOTB integration and custom pipelines.
logs_pipelines_order Sync Datadog logs pipelines order.
logs_custom_pipelines (deprecated) Sync Datadog logs custom pipelines.
notebooks Sync Datadog notebooks.
host_tags Sync Datadog host tags.
logs_indexes Sync Datadog logs indexes.
logs_metrics Sync Datadog logs metrics.
logs_restriction_queries Sync Datadog logs restriction queries.
metric_tag_configurations Sync Datadog metric tags configurations.

Note: logs_custom_pipelines resource has been deprecated in favor of logs_pipelines resource which supports both logs OOTB integration and custom pipelines. To migrate to the new resource, rename the existing state files from logs_custom_pipelines.json to logs_pipelines.json for both source and destination files.


Installing from source

  1. Clone the project repo and CD into the directory git clone; cd datadog-sync-cli
  2. Install datadog-sync-cli tool using pip pip install .
  3. Invoke the cli tool using datadog-sync <command> <options>

Installing from Releases

MacOS and Linux

  1. Download the executable from releases page
  2. Provide the executable with executable permission chmod +x datadog-sync-cli-{system-name}-{machine-type}
  3. Move the executable to your bin directory sudo mv datadog-sync-cli-{system-name}-{machine-type} /usr/local/bin/datadog-sync
  4. Invoke the cli tool using datadog-sync <command> <options>


  1. Download the executable with extension .exe from releases page
  2. Add the directory containing the exe file to your path
  3. Invoke the cli tool in cmd/powershell using the file name ommiting the extention datadog-sync-cli-windows-amd64 <command> <options>

Using docker and building the image

  1. Clone the project repo and CD into the directory git clone; cd datadog-sync-cli
  2. Build the probided Dockerfile docker build . -t datadog-sync
  3. Run the docker image using entrypoint below:
docker run --rm -v <PATH_TO_WORKING_DIR>:/datadog-sync:rw \
  datadog-sync:latest <command> <options>

Note: The above docker run command will mount specified <PATH_TO_WORKING_DIR> working directory to the container.


Usage: datadog-sync COMMAND [OPTIONS]

  Initialize cli

  --source-api-key TEXT                       Datadog source organization API key. [required for import]
  --source-app-key TEXT                       Datadog source organization APP key. [required for import]
  --source-api-url TEXT                       Datadog source organization API url.
  --destination-api-key TEXT                  Datadog destination organization API key. [required for sync/diffs]
  --destination-app-key TEXT                  Datadog destination organization APP key. [required for sync/diffs]
  --destination-api-url TEXT                  Datadog destination organization API url.
  --validate BOOLEAN                          Enables validation of the provided API
                                              during client initialization. On import,
                                              only source api key is validated. On
                                              sync/diffs, only destination api key is validated. [default: True]
  --http-client-timeout INTEGER               The HTTP request timeout period. Defaults to `30s`.
  --http-client-retry-timeout INTEGER         The HTTP request retry timeout period. Defaults to `60s`.
  --resources TEXT                            Optional comma separated list of resource to
                                              import. All supported resources are imported
                                              by default. See [Filtering] section for more details.
  --cleanup [True|False|Force]                Cleanup resources from destination org. [default: False]
  -v, --verbose                               Enable verbose logging.
  --filter TEXT                               Filter resources. See [Filtering] section for more details.
  --filter-operator TEXT                      Filter operator when multiple filters are passed. Supports `AND` or `OR`.
  --config FILE                               Read configuration from FILE. See [Config] section for more details.
  --max-workers INTEGER                       Max number of workers when running
                                              operations in multi-threads. Defaults to the number of processors on the machine, multiplied by 5.
  --skip-failed-resource-connections BOOLEAN  Skip resource if resource connection fails. [default: True]  [sync + import only]
  --force-missing-dependencies                Force importing and syncing resources that
                                              could be potential dependencies to the
                                              requested resources. [sync only]
  --help                                      Show this message and exit.

  diffs   Log resource diffs.
  import  Import Datadog resources.
  sync    Sync Datadog resources to destination.


Available URL's for the source and destination API URLs are:


See for all available regions.


Filtering is done on two levels, at top resource level and per individual resource using --resources and --filter respectevily.

Top resources level filtering

By default all resources are imported, synced, etc. If you would like to perform actions on a specific top level resource, or subset of resources, use --resources option. For example, the command datadog-sync import --resources="dashboard_lists,dashboards" will import ALL dashboards and dashboard lists in your Datadog organization.

Per resource level filtering

Individual resources can be further filtered using the --filter flag. For example, the following command datadog-sync import --resources="dashboards,dashboard_lists" --filter='Type=dashboard_lists;Name=name;Value=My custom list', will import ALL dashboards and ONLY dashboard lists with the name attribute equal to My custom list.

Filter option (--filter) accepts a string made up of key=value pairs separated by ;.

--filter 'Type=<resource>;Name=<attribute_name>;Value=<attribute_value>;Operator=<operator>'

Available keys:

  • Type: Resource e.g. Monitors, Dashboards, etc. [required]
  • Name: Attribute key to filter on. This can be any attribute represented in dot notation (e.g. attributes.user_count). [required]
  • Value: Regex to filter attribute value by. Note: special regex characters need to be escaped if filtering by raw string. [required]
  • Operator: Available operators are below. All invalid operator's default to ExactMatch.
    • SubString: Sub string matching
    • ExactMatch: Exact string match.

By default, if multiple filters are passed for the same resource, OR logic is applied to the filters. This behavior can be adjusted using the --filter-operator option.

Config file

Custom config textfile can be passed in place of options. Example config file:

# config

filter=["Type=Dashboards;Name=title;Value=Test screenboard", "Type=Monitors;Name=tags;Value=sync:true"]

Usage: datadog-sync import --config config

Cleanup flag

The tools sync command provides a cleanup flag (--cleanup). Passing the cleanup flag will delete resources from the destination organization which have been removed from the source organization. The resources to be deleted are determined based on the difference between the state files of source and destination organization.

For example, ResourceA and ResourceB are imported and synced, followed by deleting ResourceA from the source organization. Running the import command will update the source organizations state file to only include ResourceB. The following sync --cleanup=Force command will now delete ResourceA from the destination organization.


To use the tool, first run the import command, which will read the wanted items from the specified resources and save them locally into JSON files in the directory resources/source.

Then, you can run the sync command which will use that local cache (unless --force-missing-dependencies is passed) to create the resources on the destination, and saves locally what has been pushed.

Best practices

Many Datadog resources are interdependent. For example, Users resource can references Roles and Dashboards can include widgets which use Monitors or Synthetics. The datadog-sync tool syncs these resources in order to ensure dependencies are not broken.

If importing/syncing subset of resources, users should ensure that dependent resources are imported and synced as well.

See Supported resources section below for potential resource dependencies.

Resource Dependencies
roles -
users roles
synthetics_private_locations -
synthetics_tests synthetics_private_locations, synthetics_global_variables, roles
synthetics_global_variables synthetics_tests
monitors roles, service_level_objectives
downtimes monitors
service_level_objectives monitors, synthetics_tests
slo_corrections service_level_objectives
spans_metrics -
dashboards monitors, roles, service_level_objectives
dashboard_lists dashboards
logs_pipelines -
logs_pipelines_order logs_pipelines
logs_custom_pipelines (deprecated) -
notebooks -
host_tags -
logs_indexes -
logs_metrics -
logs_restriction_queries roles
metric_tag_configurations -


Datadog cli tool to sync resources across organizations.







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  • Python 99.9%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%