MVP: The only Bot you need..!
A Multi-Purpose Bot designed with the vision of having all the required functions and capabilities performed by many other Bots such as MEE6, YAGPDB, etc. So, you only need a single Bot on your Server.
The main objective of this bot is to reduce the no of bots required in the server to perform various tasks, so you require only this single multi-purpose bot. Hence the name justifies MVP (Most Valuable Player).
- Custom Welcome Message
- On Server
- Personal Message
- Members Leaving Log on to a Channel
- Basic Moderation Commands
- Mute
- Kick
- Ban
- Leveling and Rank System
- Issue resolving Ticket System
- More moderation commands
- Warn
- Auto-Moderation System with some rules
- Spamming
- Invite Links
- Link Sharing
- Mass Mention
- Many More
- Reaction Roles
- Announcement Sharing
- Server Updates such as
- Warnings
- Kicks
- Bans
- Other Updates
- Music
- Games
Clone the repo
git clone
Using SSH
git clone
Setup your Virtual Environment 🔵
python -m venv .venv
Activate your Virtual Environment ⭐
Windows (CMD)
source .venv/bin/activate
Install using requirements.txt 🟢
pip install -r requirements.txt
Discord Module
pip install
Dotenv Module
pip install python-dotenv
Give Bot Administrator Permission
Create a file token.env
Enter your token as-
DISCORD_TOKEN = <your_token>
Replace Channel IDs & Role IDs in the file with your own Server's Channel IDs & Role IDs
You can change the Bot Prefix in the to your own custom prefix 🔵
A full-fledged website for the Bot where the users can manage the Bot in their own Server similar to the other Bots and this code will be in the backend.
⭐ - Very Important
🟢 - Recommended
🔵 - Optional