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A plugin framework for Swing, with a focus on dockable components, configuration and an events system


Currently, the most developed example using haruhi is the second version of Quiver, which started originally as nothing more than a second project to make sure I didn't make haruhi fit for only a single program. The first program being the Rawky rewrite, which has ironically almost been forgotten, dispite being the project to spawn it. There is also the sniffle project, providing common and universal plugins. This repository also contains a barebones example of a few plugins and a launcher, though it isn't very exciting


Though haruhi doesn't have it's own documentation yet, the wiki for Rawky can be followed quite closely, with only the imports changing a bit (mostly to rename references of rawky to haruhi), and the lauchers from Quiver and from Rawky can be used as reference for starting up everything that haruhi needs


haruhi started life, not as it's own project but as a part of the rewrite of Rawky. After writing so much for it, I decided that it would be useful for any other Swing programs I, or anyone else, happened to write in future. Mostly because plugins could be shared between programs that used haruhi (so long as guidelines where followed), meaning I could end the battle of writing another way to change Swing settings. Though the learning process had a lot more to it, which I consider to be shards of an earlier haruhi. The closest being the docking and config system from the original Rawky, though an earlier, rougher plugin and config system existed for FAOSDance that used JRuby for plugin scripting and TOML for configuration files, but before that was Wheeze that used NetRexx to provide scriptable brushes