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A Monte Carlo Path Tracer implemented in CUDA.



  • Anti-aliasing
  • Depth of Field
  • Diffusion & Specular Reflection
  • Fresnel Equation for Transmission
  • Support obj & mtl Format
  • Store Result in ppm Format


  • Bidirection Tracing
  • Accelerating Intersection using BVH
  • Use float4 instead of float3
  • Memory Access Accelerating via CUDA Constant & Texture Memory

System Environment

  • Debian 8 (Jessie) 64bits, other systems are not tested
  • GCC 4.9, GCC 6 is not allowed!!!
  • CUDA 8.0, lower versions are not tested
  • CMake >= 2.8
  • NVIDIA GeForce Titan Black (CUDA capability: 3.5) lower CUDA capabilities are not tested

Project Structure


  • include/ - 3rd-party headers, including tinyobjloader & some helper functions from NVIDIA's offical CUDA examples (with filename starts with "helper_")
  • src/ - Source code
  • scenes/ - 2 demo scenes - scene-1/ for Cornell Box & scene-2/ for Glossy Plane
  • results/ - Some demo results

Source Files

In src/ directory:

  • types.hpp & types.cpp implement some essential data structures such as Ray, Triangle, Material, Camera, Scene, etc.
  • constants.hpp defines some useful constant values.
  • utils.hpp implements some helper functions.
  • path_tracer.hpp & implement the Monte Carlo Path Tracing algorithm.

The code style of the source code files above follows Google C++ Code Style

Usage Guide

Step 1. Create Working Directory

$ mkdir build
$ cd build

Step 2. Compile

$ cmake ..
$ make -j8

Step 3. Execute

The demo program needs 5 command-line parameters - scene id, output filename samples per pixel, maximum tracing bounces and gpu id respectively.

Currently only 3 scenes are supported:

  • 1 for scene 1 (Cornell Box)
  • 2 for scene 2 (Glossy Planes)
  • 3 for my own scene (modified Cornell Box)

Here is an example:

$ ./PathTracerDemo 1 scene-1.ppm 2000 10    # Create scene 1 on default gpu (gpu 0)
$ ./PathTracerDemo 2 scene-2.ppm 1000 10 1  # Create Scene 2 on gpu 1
$ ./PathTracerDemo 3 scene-3.ppm 10000 20 2 # Create Scene 3 on gpu 2


Note: Execution time information are measured by time command, e,g.:

$ time ./PathTracerDemo 1 scene01-10000-ppm 10000 10 0

Scene 1 (Cornell Box)

  • Samples per pixel (spp): 100, 1000, 10000
  • Maximum tracing bounces: 10

100 spp, 15 sec

100 spp, 15 sec

1000 spp, 140 sec

1000 spp, 140 sec

10000 spp, 23 min

10000 spp, 23 min

Scene 2 (Glossy Planes)

  • Samples per pixel (spp): 100, 1000, 10000
  • Maximum tracing bounces: 10

100 spp, 12 sec

100 spp, 12 sec

1000 spp, 125 sec

1000 spp, 125 sec

10000 spp, 21 min

10000 spp, 21 min

My Own Scene (modified Cornell Box)

  • Samples per pixel (spp): 10000
  • Maximum tracing bounces: 20

Note: This scene has Depth of Field effect.

10000 spp, 45 min

10000 spp, 45 min
