Foundational Laravel project example for building Laravel packages quickly using the Artisan tools Packager and Packager Hermes
This is helpful for companies and teams needing build modules and packages within their organization or for the open-source community
The design of this project is to create and publish packages. As such, add NOTHING to app/
and hence why the directory is ignored by git
Either use this template means it comes with some "best practices" like ignoring app/
$ composer create-project delvefore/laravel-packager-atlas
$ composer install
$ cp .env.example .env
...or start from scratch
$ laravel new my-packager-atlas
$ composer require jeroen-g/laravel-packager --dev
$ composer require delvefore/laravel-packager-hermes --dev
$ echo 'packages/' >> .gitignore
$ echo 'app/' >> .gitignore
For instructional purposes, the vendor name I'm using is MyVendor and the package is MyPackage. I'm referencing for instructional purposes too.
1 Create the repository in your Github (e.g.
2 Then create package
$ php artisan packager:new MyVendor MyPackage --i
Change naming and other information in composer.json
If you're building an HTTP API or Web UI, make sure to update the appropriate routes/
5 Publish the package
$ php artisan packager:publish MyVendor MyPackage --i
Making it available in Git
6 Remove the package and then git
the package
The package is now in Github, so let's remove and then get the package from Github
$ php artisan packager:remove MyVendor MyPackage
$ php artisan packager:git MyVendor MyPackage
During development of new features to the package, you can use --branch=mybranch
at the end of the last command to checkout from the branch
7 Now you can make modifications in your package locally and then use git as normal
$ cd package/MyVendor/MyPackage
$ git commit