Software System for automation of health control in youth sports.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Architecture
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Contact
- License
In terms of the university course work, there was developed a system that consists of back-end and front-end services.
System provides a friendly UI along with REST API requests to work with the data about youth sports, sportsmen health, collecting statistics etc.
It supports localization for two languages:
- Ukrainian
- English
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Angular 11 & Angular Material
- C#
- TypeScript
- ASP.NET Identity
- Swagger
Back-end project has N-Layered Architecture that consists of 5 layers:
- YouthCare - Presentation Layer
- BLL - Business Logic Layer
- DAL - Data Access Layer
- CIL - Core Infrastructure Layer
- DIL - Dependency Injection Layer
List the ready features here:
- Authorization & Authentication with ASP.Identity and JWT token
- Admin/Sportsman/Doctor roles
- User Account Functionality
- Manage user accounts as an admin
- Create and upload a data backup as an admin
- Take health tests as a sportsman
- Receive analysis results in different formats as a sportsman
- Obtain admission to competitions as a sportsman
- View the results of analyzes of athletes of the same section as a doctor
- Chat system as a sportsman and as a doctor
- Manage personal notes as a sportsman and as a doctor
You need to download this repository and run it using Visual Studio 2019 or newer version or any other IDE that is suitable for you.
There is no need to run
npm install
if you run the whole project with an IDE.
After successful build via Visual Studio (or any other IDE compatible with .NET), you can access a back-end service as https://localhost:yourport/swagger/index.html
and a front-end service as https://localhost:yourport
Project is: no longer being worked on.
Created by @dench327 - feel free to contact me!
© 2021
You can check out the full license here This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.