Software Engineering Final Project - Advanced Product tracking automation system
ProductManagementTool with Qt 5
ProductManagementTool program for C++ language is an easy and best way to learn how automation systems interact with the database and works in practice.
Uses : Please see Requirements and Dependencies
Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to do project with Qt
Students wishing to do their projects using Qt
Those who need the Automation Program for their homework
This project assumes you have some Intermediate-Level C++ knowledge, anddoes not teach C++ itself.
This project are not aHow to create your own automation tool
orHow to design automation tool systems
and will not teachAutomation tooling techniques
Uses : Please see Requirements before use
All UMLs Made with StarUML
Click here for see the all other UML diagrams.
- Click here for see the other Squence diagrams.
- Click here for see the other Statechart diagrams.
Account system with Login/Register features
Lists the Product fetched from database
Lists the Product that have been searched from Search panel
Ability to Add product
Ability to Update product (exclude ID and Barcode)
Ability to Delete product
Advanced search options (by Name, by Date, by Quantity, by Price)
Product filter
Safe inputs from Textboxes (bug-free inputs)
Real-time Product list refreshing if any operate handled
User authority level (Permission system)
Sales system
Invoice & Receipt system for sold products
Product should be Refundable after sold
- Window Fixed Size feature not working on Linux.
git clone
Import ProductManagementTool.sql file to the database
Re-configure your database informations in dbcontroller.cpp's
qmake && make && ./ProductManagementTool
- You should be familiar with Qt applications
- You should be familiar with C++ family
- You will need Qt base environment that can be compiled without any problems.
- You will need a computer on which you have the rights to install obligatory dependencies given below
- MySQL (or related) Database Service
- Qt Creator is fine (not mandatory)
- Qt Base Modules And Frameworks
- A C++ Compiler (Windows -> MinGW or Visual C++, Linux -> GCC is fine)
ProductManagementTool was created to serve three purposes:
ProductManagementTool is an automation tool that controls some Product operations using with Database
To act as a guide to learn Qt with enhanced and rich content using
. -
To act as a guide to exemplary and educational purpose.
To create your own Qt application.
Project Manager - Furkan Türkal (GitHub: dentrax)
We publish source for the [ProductManagementTool] in single rolling branch:
The master branch is extensively tested by our QA team and makes a great starting point for learning the algorithms. Also tracks live changes by our team.
The base project code is copyrighted by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal and is covered by single licence.
All program code (i.e. .h, .cpp, .ui) is licensed under GNU v3 License unless otherwise specified. Please see the file for more information.
While this repository is being prepared, it may have been quoted from some sources. (i.e Official Wiki & Documentations) If there is an unspecified source, please contact me.
Please check the file for contribution instructions and naming guidelines.
ProductManagementTool was created by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal
You can contact by URL: CONTACT
Best Regards