ECE-558 Digital Imaging Systems course project3: For this project Lowe's SIFT algorithm was used for blob detection on a variety of images
This repo contains the code as well as the outputs for the for the Second project from the ECE-558 Digital Imaging Systems course at NC State University.
The task for this project included:
- Generating Laplacian of Gaussian Filter
- Building Laplacian Scale Space
- Performing Non-Maximum Suppression
- Displaying resulting circles at their characteristic scale
This project requires Python 3 along with the following python modules:
- Numpy
- CV2
The code for this project is contained in a sigle directory with the following files:
- contains the main code
Examples of blobs detected for the images as well as the original images can be seen in the PDF report as well as the images directory of the project
The code was designed to be run on a Linux system as a python file using the python3 interpreter
Example run : python3