LWRP that extends mo_application for Ruby applications
Just include this recipe as a dependency and use provided LWRPs:
Is the specialized version of mo_application for Ruby apps doing the following tasks:
- Creates an application directory
- Creates log directories for nginx services inside application's directory
- Deploys application, but if deploy parameter is set to false, it creates an empty applications directory
- Creates link inside application's user home directory pointing to application's directory & logs
- Configures nginx site
- path: root applications chrooted directory
- nginx_config: hash to be merged with default values. This values are defined as a hash of:
- key is vhost file name, it will namespaced with mo_application name attribute
- value is a hash of nginx options. Most values can be overwritten. Custom options are:
- relative_document_root: as deploy resource will create a current symlink, then specified path
for this option must be a relative project path: by default we asume it is
- relative_document_root: as deploy resource will create a current symlink, then specified path
for this option must be a relative project path: by default we asume it is
If applications document root includes a file named mantenimiento.html
it will
be served as first resource in any cases
Installs all requirements