This is a REST Api for a fiction Real State Company © I built this API to practice my Java and Spring Boot framework skills. 🙂
- MySQL - Data Base.
- Java-17 - Backend Programming Language.
- Spring Boot 2.5.6 - Backend Framework.
- Spring Data JPA - Java Persistence API
- JWT - Security token for API Authentication
- Clean Architecture - Clean Architecture
- REST Api contains users, properties, roles, features, photos, location and type (of properties).
- Database relationships One-to-Many, Many-to-Many, One-to-One.
- Implementing Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
- Users can Create-Read-Update-Delete-Search properties, features, photos and locations.
- Swagger to test API.
- Upload photos of properties (Many-to-Many)
- JWT Authentication
- Oriol Cortez Cesar - Dev-OriolCC