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Blazor Popup - Add Content Dynamically

This example creates a service to generate Popup content dynamically.

Add Popup content in code

To incorporate this capability in your DevExpress-powered Blazor app:

  1. Create a service to display/close the pop-up window. This service allows you to declare the DxPopup component in your application once. Refer to the following folder for implementation details: Services.

  2. Register the service in the Program.cs file:

    builder.Services.AddScoped<IDxModalPopupService, DxModalPopupService>();
  3. Create a Popup model (used to generate custom popup content). Refer to the following file for implementation details: DxPopupModel.cs.

  4. Create a Razor component (DxModalPopup.razor) that injects the service.

  5. Optional. If you wish to display multiple pop-up windows on a single page, create a corresponding number of DxPopup instances. Wrap the Popup's markup in a @foreach loop:

    @foreach (var model in DxModalPopupService.Modals) {
        <DxPopup @key="@model" ShowCloseButton="true" Closed="() => OnClosed(model)" Visible="true">
            @* ... *@
  6. Declare the DxModalPopup component in the App.razor file. This is the only component declaration in the application.

    <Router AppAssembly="@typeof(App).Assembly">
        <Found Context="routeData">
            <DxModalPopup />
            <RouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="@typeof(MainLayout)" />
  7. Create a .cs file that implements content generation and display/close operations. Refer to the following file for the full implementation: DxModalPopup.cs.

  8. Create a Razor file (ComponentWithCloseButton.razor) that accepts parameters and uses the model to render content:

    @inject IDxModalPopupService Modal
    <h3>A Component with a Close Button</h3>
    <p>Passed value: @DemoText</p>
    <DxButton Click="async () => await Modal!.CloseModal(PopupModel)">Close</DxButton>
    @code {
        DxPopupModel PopupModel { get; set; }
        public string DemoText { get; set; } = String.Empty;
  9. Create a button (in the Index.razor file) to open your custom pop-up using the service and pass corresponding parameters to the button's Click event handler:

    @inject IDxModalPopupService Modal
    <h2 class="pt-2">@text</h2>
    <DxButton Text="Show modal with parameter"
              Click="@(async () => {
                  text = "Modal with parameter button is open!";
                  await Modal.ShowModal<ComponentWithCloseButton>(new() {
                      { nameof(ComponentWithCloseButton.DemoText), "Modal Content" }
                  text = "Modal with parameter is closed!";
    @code {
        string text = "Modal Popup";

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