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Promotions Resource

A RESTful microservice based on a resource from an eCommerce application

travis codecov contributors license

Introduction « Overview « Setup « Attributes « Functions « Featured « Tests « License

👋 Introduction

The promotions resource is a representation of a special promotion or sale that is running against a product or perhaps the entire store. Some examples are "buy 1 get 1 free", "20% off", etc. Discount promotions usually apply for a given duration (e.g., sale for 1 week only).

👀 Overview

This project's /service folder contains a file for the Promotion model and a file for promotions service. The /tests folder has test case code for testing the model and the service separately.

💾 Setup

To run this project, clone this repository and install vagrant virtual machine . Next, initialize a vagrant enviroment using vagrant up. Then do:

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
honcho start

⚙️ Attributes

The Promotion Model contains the following attributes:

  • "name"
  • "description"
  • "start_date"
  • "end_date"

🛠 Functions

The following lists the RESTful routes:

Endpoint           Methods  Rule                                Description
----------------   -------  ----------------------------        -------------------------
index              GET      /                            

create_promotions  POST     /promotions                         create a promotion object and adds it to the database
get_promotions     GET      /promotions/<promotion_id>          return the information for a specified promotion
update_promotions  PUT      /promotions/<promotion_id>          edit and save changes to a promotion
delete_promotions  DELETE   /promotions/<promotion_id>          remove a promotion from the database
list_promotions    GET      /promotions                         list all promotions in the databas
search_promotions  GET      /promotions/<params>                search the database for promotions that match the query parameters
cancel_promotions  GET      /promotions/cancel/<promotion_id>   end a promotion early

❓ What's Featured in the Project?

The project contains the following:

.github/            - contains a template for github issues
assets/             - contains image files

service/            - service python package
├── static/         - conatains web UI files
├──     - package initializer
├──       - module with business models
└──      - module with service routes

tests/              - test cases package
├──     - package initializer
├──  - test suite for busines models
└── - test suite for service routes

.coveragerc         - settings file for code coverage options
.gitignore          - this will ignore vagrant and other metadata files
.travis.yml         - travis configuration file
LICENSE             - Apache 2.0
Procfile            - a command to run by the container           - repo documentation file
Vagrantfile         - Vagrant file that installs requirements to the VM
codecov.yml         - codecov configuration file           - configuration parameters
dot-env-example     - copy to .env to use environment variables
manifest.yml        - ibm cloud foundry configuration file
requirements.txt    - list if Python libraries required by your code
runtime.txt         - python version to be used at runtime
setup.cfg           - nosetests configuration file

🔩 Running the Tests

Run the tests using nosetests and coverage

$ nosetests
$ coverage report -m

Nose is configured to automatically include the flags --rednose --with-spec --spec-color --with-coverage so that red-green-refactor is meaningful. If you are in a command shell that supports colors, passing tests will be green while failing tests will be red.

📃 License

Apache 2.0

This repository is part of the NYU class CSCI-GA.2810-001: DevOps and Agile Methodologies taught by John Rofrano, Adjunct Instructor, NYU Curant Institute, Graduate Division, Computer Science.