The Scheduler is a web application for Students and Faculties to schedule their own routine.
It contains an Assignment portal, Announcement portal, Proxy lectures management for faculties, Sticky Notes, Weekly time-table, Calendar, and many more.
- Time-Table Management
- Lord Alteration (Proxy Management)
- Task Assignment System
- Requirements: xampp To run this project, clone project files, Copy folder to htdocs
Then open xampp and start apache and mysql server
Import SQL file on the mysql server.
This will start application on server port.
AdminLTE template
Student portal consists Home Page, Assignment Page, Calendar and Weekly Time Table Page.
Home Page
- This is the Home page for Student users where time table of particular day is shown along with Sticky notes, Announcement done by faculties.
Assignment Portal Pages
- This is the page where faculty customize the assignment text and send it to students.
- Assignment sent by faculties will be shown here to students.
- Multifunctional calendar.
Weekly Time Table
Student Profile Page
Faculty portal consists Home Page, Proxy Management Pages, Assignment Portal Pages, Calendar and Weekly Time Table Page.
Home Page
- This is the Home Page for faculties users where lectures of that particular day will be shown along with sticky notes & announcement panel.
Proxy Pages
- By selecting slot number & clicking check button faculty can see list of other available faculties and by clicking on their name faculty can send proxy request.
- When request is sent but not answered by request receiver faculty then it will look like this with yellow accent.
- Request will be shown like this to request receiver faculty.
- If request is being rejected it will shown like this with red accent otherwise accepted request will be shown with green accent.
Assignment Portal
- This is the page where faculty customize their assignment text and send it to students.
- Assignment sent by the faculties will be shown here like this.
Announcement Portal
- This is the page where faculty can customize announcement text and after setting ending time faculty can send it to announcement panel.
- In lower right corner, announcement panel is there, where all the announcement sent by any faculties will be shown.
Calendar & Weekly Time Table are same as student portal.
Admin Panel consists Home Page, Data Management Pages, Calendar and Weekly Time Table Page.
Home Page
- This is the Home Page for Admin from where whole Time-Table will be generate.
Data Management Pages
- Forms on this page are for the addition of a new user (either faculty or students) to the portal.
- Form on this page is for addition of new subject to the portal.
- Student Log In Page.
- Faculty Log In Page.
- Page for Admin to add new user.
Achieved University 1st rank for successfully solving all problem statements and development of efficient portal.