A simple Calculator developed for windows platform. It was fully written using Qt C++.
- Calculator can be used with your most convenient input device(Keyboard or Mouse).
- No need to press/click equal all the time to generate the result.
- It can handle the entire expression without any complication.
To deploy the application in windows, we are needed to install the latest Qt Framework in https://www.qt.io/download. Make sure the windeployqt is available in bin folder of your installed Qt folder.
windeployqt calculator.exe
The above command will put dependencies together.
- Execute this command in the location where the application needs to be deployed.
Download the available latest Qt Installer Framework available in https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt-installer-framework/.
Following are the folder structure to be followed to generate the installer:-
Run the command in root folder(CalculatorApp Installer):-
C:\Qt\QtIFW-4.0.1\bin\binarycreator.exe -c config/config.xml -p packages CalculatorAppInstaller.exe
This will generate the installer for the CalculatorApp