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A flexible and performant implementation of the genetic algorithm in C++20/23.


  • Built entirely with C++20/23
  • Includes many default operators for most use cases
  • Supply your own operations for:
    • Selection
    • Crossover
    • Mutation
    • Fitness
    • Termination


dp::genetic is a header only library. All the files needed are in include/genetic.


genetic defines two CMake targets:

  • Genetic::Genetic
  • dp::genetic

You can then use find_package():

find_package(dp::genetic REQUIRED)

Alternatively, you can use something like CPM which is based on CMake's Fetch_Content module.

    NAME genetic
    GITHUB_REPOSITORY DeveloperPaul123/genetic
    GIT_TAG 0.1.0 # change this to latest commit or release tag


Knapsack problem example:

struct knapsack_box {
    int value;
    int weight;
    auto operator<=>(const knapsack_box&) const = default;

// weight capacity of our knapsack
constexpr auto max_weight = 15;

// available boxes for the knapsack
std::vector<knapsack_box> available_items = {{4, 12}, {2, 1}, {10, 4}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}};

// fitness evaluator (omitted for brevity)
auto fitness = { // ...};

// random mutation operator (omitted for brevity)
auto mutator = { // ... };

// crossover operator (i.e. child generator, omitted for brevity)
auto crossover = { // ... };

// the solution is all the boxes except for the heaviest one.
const knapsack solution = {-1, 1, 2, 3, 4};
const knapsack all_items = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

// genetic algorithm settings.
constexpr dp::genetic::algorithm_settings settings{0.1, 0.5, 0.25};

// generate an initial random population
constexpr auto population_size = 2;
std::vector<knapsack> initial_population{};

// generate the initial population
std::ranges::generate_n(std::back_inserter(initial_population), population_size,

// define the termination criteria
auto termination = dp::genetic::fitness_termination_criteria(fitness(solution));

// setup the params object for the algorithm
auto params = dp::genetic::params<knapsack>::builder()

auto [best, fitness] = dp::genetic::solve(initial_population, settings, params);

For more details see the /examples folder and the unit tests under /test.


This project has been built with:

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Clang 10.+ (via WSL on Windows)
  • GCC 11.+ (via WSL on Windows)
  • CMake 3.21+

To build, run:

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Build Options

Option Description Default
DP_GENETIC_BUILD_TESTS Turn on to build unit tests. Required for formatting build targets. ON
DP_GENETIC_BUILD_EXAMPLES Turn on to build examples ON

Run clang-format

Use the following commands from the project's root directory to check and fix C++ and CMake source style. This requires clang-format, cmake-format and pyyaml to be installed on the current system. To use this feature you must turn on TP_BUILD_TESTS.

# view changes
cmake --build build/test --target format

# apply changes
cmake --build build/test --target fix-format

See Format.cmake for details.

Build the documentation

The documentation is automatically built and published whenever a GitHub Release is created. To manually build documentation, call the following command.

cmake -S documentation -B build/doc
cmake --build build/doc --target GenerateDocs
# view the docs
open build/doc/doxygen/html/index.html

To build the documentation locally, you will need Doxygen and Graphviz on your system.


Contributions are very welcome. Please see contribution guidelines for more info.


The project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

