The examples default to pins based on DynamixelShield. Therefore, when using hardware other than DynamixelShield (eg OpenCM9.04, OpenCR, Custom DXL boards), you need to change the Serial and Direction Pin.
We provide the information below to make it easier to define Serial and Direction pins for specific hardware.
Board Name Serial Direction Pin Note OpenCM9.04 Serial1 28 because of the OpenCM 9.04 driver code, you must call Serial1.setDxlMode(true); before dxl.begin();. OpenCM9.04 EXP Serial3 22 OpenCR Serial3 84 For OpenCR, there is a DXL Power Enable pin, so you must initialize and control it. (Reference link)
- For the convenience of the user, Dynamixel2Arduino API hardcodes some information in the control table and stores it in flash.
- To do this, you need to add code to some files. In this regard, please refer to PR#3 and PR#7
- Please refer to port_handler.h
- Create a new class by inheriting PortHandler as public. (Like SerialPortHandler and USBSerialPortHandler)
- Separation of protocol codes (protocol, packet handler)