This web application will help Screen Sell to grow and not be limited by their offline sales. It will allow them to have an online presence with profits and a bigger reach. Clients will be able to find any screen they need and place their order easily.
Install dependencies with:
npm install
npm start
/admin/ GET - Endpoint used to get all admins
/admin/:id GET - Endpoint used to get admin by id
/admin/new POST - Endpoint used to create new admins
/admin/login POST - Endpoint used to create a new session
/admin/:id PATCH - Endpoint used to edit admin
/user/ GET - Endpoint used to get all users
/user/:id GET - Endpoint used to get user by id
/user/validate GET - Endpoint to validate session token
/user/new POST - Endpoint used to create new users
/user/login POST - Endpoint used to create a new session
/user/:id PATCH - Endpoint used to edit
/user/:id/owns PATCH - Endpoint used to edit user products array
/order/ GET - Endpoint used to get all orders
/order/status/:status GET - Endpoint used to get orders by status
/order/:id GET - Endpoint used to get orders by id
/order/byUser/:user GET - Endpoint used to get orders by user
/order/new POST - Endpoint used to create a new order
/order/:id PATCH -Endpoint used to edit order
/product/ GET - Endpoint used to get all the products
/product/getid/:id GET - Endpoint used to get products by id
/product/:name GET - Endpoint used to get product by name
/product/:name GET - Endpoint used to get product by name
/product/getResult/:q GET - Endpoint used to find products by term
/product/new POST - Endpoint used to create a new product
/product/:id DELETE - Endpoint used to delete a product
/review/ GET - Endpoint used to get all the reviews
/review/byProduct/:product GET - Endpoint used to get reviews by product
/review/new POST - Endpoint used to create a new review
/review/:id DELETE - Endpoint used to delete reviews
/aws/upload POST - Endpoint used to upload images to aws
/mail POST - Endpoint used to send emails
- Alicia Cisneros A01281991
- Diana Barrios A00819792