Stock app is a simple Spring + React Application for storing Companies , Stock Exchanges and Sectors and then analyze their Stock rates. This clientapp repository is the Frontend React part of the application. For the SpringBoot Java part , check this. In this repository, we use ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript . This app is also deployed in Heroku server . You can see the Eureka Server repository here as well.
- Backend:
- Frontend:
- EurekaServer
All the screenshots for Postman requests are included in the repository. Also the working screenshots can be checked in the Working folder.
- React : 17.0.2
- BootStrap: 5.0.2
- FusionCharts : 3.17.0
- Other packages like react-bootstrap, react-router-dom etc. Check package.json for more
Prerequisite to deployment , check to it that you have NodeJs , npm or any other package manager and react installed on your setup .
- Download or Clone the code
- Open a bash or a terminal and do 'npm install' to get all dependencies
- Once done you can run the app in development mode using npm start and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
- Go ahead and check react or npm documentation for more
- Register on Heroku and Create a Free account.
- Select New -> Create new App
- Give your application a new name and Link your GitHub repository in Settings
- Deploy the application and test it out on the deployed URL.