Gradle plugin for UIMA JCasGen (JCas Typesystem Generator)
Generates a Apache UIMA type system from an XML descriptor. It launches the UIMA JCasGen tool (Jg) from a gradle build.
You can configure the plugin in your project as follows:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "com.dictanova.jcasgen.gradle:gradle-jcasgen-plugin:0.5"
apply plugin: "com.dictanova.jcasgen"
UIMA type system XML descriptor(s) files have to be located in :
You can generate a UIMA type system by using the generateTypeSystem
task directly or by using the build
$ gradle generateTypeSystem
$ gradle build
If you want to build this plugin from a Git checkout, please use Gradle Wrapper :
./gradlew clean build install