Demo application for TOOP For cross border login a connection to an EidasNode Connector is needed.
This project depends on:
- JDK 9 (
- Apache Maven 3x (
- Lombok (
All three need to be installed, configured and running properly.
Use GIT clone to get a local copy of this repo.
Before running check server.port of webserver, eidas configuration and key configuration inside ./src/main/resources/ For outgoing network connections a proxy configuration might be needed. Running locally this is not necessary. When running the jar, the can be placed next to the jar and it will be picked up automatically.
You will need to build the toopapi project first! Build using: mvn clean install
Run the application inside ./target/: java -jar demotoop.jar
mvn spring-boot:run
http://localhost:<server.port>/demotoop/ and log in using your eIDAS credentials.