The Sorter is a library for to understand and release benchmarks.
The project is organized under the same architecture found in Catalano Framework. Some sort algorithms implemented:
- Bubble Sort
- Bogo Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Shell Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heap Sort
- Quick Sort
- Dual Pivot Quicksort
Simple example of how to instantiate and use classes.
//Initialize the vector util class.
VectorUtil vec = new VectorUtil();
//Generate random vector.
int[] v = vec.GenerateRandomVector(1000);
//Initialize a sort algorithm.
ISort sort = new DualPivotQuicksort();
//Get the metrics.
long time = sort.getElapsedTime();
long nCmp = sort.getTotalOfComparasion();
long nAtt = sort.getTotalOfAttribution();