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Apollos Template Project

Getting Started

Click the "Use the Template" button on the repo page ⬆

template button

We are assuming you're using a Mac for this guide. Install tools necessary.

Clone down your new repo, and run the setup script to set up environments

yarn setup


We use Heroku by default because it's free and easy to get started. If you'd like to use another platform to host your API, you can skip this section.

Install the Heroku CLI

brew install heroku/brew/heroku
heroku login

Create your app and upload to Heroku.

heroku create apollos-api
git push heroku master

NOTE: If you have a team you'd like to use on Heroku to manage billing, you can use the -t <teamname> flag in the create command above.

Open the GraphQL Playground on your API to test the deploy

heroku open

To deploy automatically through the Github workflow, copy your Heroku API key and set a Github secret in your new repository called HEROKU_API_KEY.

github secret

To get started with different API integrations, check out our docs!

Mobile App

This will outline the steps required to get your Android and iOS apps up and running. You will need a functioning production API from the previous section before moving forward.

Set the API URL in the .env.production file.


Rename your app

npx react-native-rename <church name>

Create new icons and splash screens.


Install dependencies, cocoapods, start the bundler

yarn start

Start the sims in separate tabs

yarn ios
yarn android
